import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from obspy.taup import TauPyModel
from seispy.geo import srad2skm, skm2sdeg
from seispy.utils import scalar_instance, array_instance
class SlantStack():
def __init__(self, seis, timeaxis, dis) -> None:
"""Slant stack in tau domain. Refer to Tauzin et al., 2008 JGR in detail.
:param seis: 2D array for RFs with shape of (ev_num, npts)
:type seis: numpy.ndarray
:param timeaxis: 1D array for time axis
:type timeaxis: numpy.ndarray
:param dis: 1D array for all event distance in deg
:type dis: numpy.ndarray
self.datar = seis
self.time_axis = timeaxis
self.dis = dis
self.ref_dis = 65
self.rayp_range = np.arange(-0.35, 0.35, 0.01)
self.tau_range = np.arange(0, 100, 0.1)
self.syn_tau = np.array([])
self.syn_drayp = np.array([])
def stack(self, ref_dis=None, rayp_range=None, tau_range=None):
"""Slant stack for receiver function
:param ref_dis: reference distance, by default None
:type ref_dis: int or float, optional
:param rayp_range: range of ray parameter, by default None
:type rayp_range: numpy.ndarray, optional
:param tau_range: range of tau, by default None
:type tau_range: numpy.ndarray, optional
if ref_dis is not None and scalar_instance(ref_dis):
self.ref_dis = ref_dis
elif ref_dis is None:
raise TypeError('{} should be in int or float type.'.format(ref_dis))
if rayp_range is not None and array_instance(rayp_range):
self.rayp_range = rayp_range
elif rayp_range is None:
raise TypeError('{} should be in numpy.ndarray type.'.format(rayp_range))
if tau_range is not None and array_instance(tau_range):
self.tau_range = tau_range
elif tau_range is None:
raise TypeError('{} should be in numpy.ndarray type.'.format(tau_range))
ev_num = self.datar.shape[0]
taus, rayps = np.meshgrid(self.tau_range, self.rayp_range)
self.stack_amp = np.zeros([self.rayp_range.shape[0], self.tau_range.shape[0]])
for i in range(ev_num):
tps = taus - rayps * (self.dis[i] - self.ref_dis)
self.stack_amp += interp1d(self.time_axis, self.datar[i, :], fill_value='extrapolate')(tps)
self.stack_amp /= ev_num
def syn_tps(self, phase_list, velmodel='iasp91', focal_dep=10):
"""Calculate the theoretical tau and reference rayp for the given phase list
:param phase_list: phase list for theoretical arrival time
:type phase_list: list
:param velmodel: velocity model, by default 'iasp91'
:type velmodel: str, optional
:param focal_dep: focal depth, by default 10
:type focal_dep: int or float, optional
model = TauPyModel(model=velmodel)
phase_list.insert(0, 'P')
arrs = model.get_travel_times(focal_dep, self.ref_dis, phase_list=phase_list)
p_arr = arrs[0].time
p_rayp = skm2sdeg(srad2skm(arrs[0].ray_param))
self.syn_tau = [arr.time - p_arr for arr in arrs[1:]]
self.syn_drayp = [p_rayp - skm2sdeg(srad2skm(arr.ray_param))for arr in arrs[1:]]
def plot(self, cmap='jet', xlim=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, figpath=None, colorbar=True):
""" Imaging for slant stacking
cmap : str, optional
The colormap to use, by default 'jet'
xlim : _type_, optional
Set the x limits of the current axes., by default None
vmin : _type_, optional
Normalize the minium value data to the ``vmin``, by default None
vmax : _type_, optional
Normalize the maximum value data to the ``vmax``, by default None
figpath : _type_, optional
Output path to the image, by default None
colorbar : bool, optional
Wether plot the colorbar, by default True
self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,5)) = self.fig.add_subplot()
if vmin is None and vmax is None:
vmax = np.max(np.abs(self.stack_amp))*0.1
vmin = -vmax
elif vmin is None and scalar_instance(vmax):
vmin = np.min(self.stack_amp)
elif vmax is None and scalar_instance(vmin):
vmax = np.max(self.stack_amp)
elif scalar_instance(vmax) and scalar_instance(vmin):
raise TypeError('vmin and vmax must be in int or in float type')
im =, self.rayp_range, self.stack_amp,
vmax=vmax, vmin=vmin, cmap=cmap)
if colorbar:
cax = self.fig.colorbar(im,
cax.set_label('Stack Amplitude'), self.syn_drayp, color='k', marker='x')
if xlim is not None and array_instance(xlim):'Time (s)')'Slowness (s/$^\circ$)')
if figpath is not None and isinstance(figpath, str):
self.fig.savefig(figpath, format='png', dpi=400, bbox_inches='tight')