PRFs calculation and H-k stacking

Calculate PRFs of the station CB.NJ2

Here, we provide an example for calculating PRFs of CB.NJ2, which is a permanent station at Nanjing China mainland.

Download this example

Download link: ex-prf.tar.gz

unzip the file to any directory.

wget -O ex-prf.tar.gz
tar -xzf ex-prf.tar.gz

the package include the seismic records of the station CB.NJ2 and configure files for RF calculation and H-k stacking.

The seismic records of CB.NJ2 were cut out from origin time of seismic events to 1000 s after the origin time, which contained the direct P wave and its conversion phases.

Run this example

Change directory to Data.CB.NJ2 then execute following command:

prf rf.cfg

As the rfpath set in the rf.cfg, run following command to visual check PRFs use a GUI. See visual check PRFs with an user interface in detail.

pickrf ./RFresult/CB.NJ2

Estimate the Moho depth and the crustal Vp/Vs using the H-k stacking method

The PRFs had been saved to ./RFresult/CB.NJ2, and the CB.NJ2finallist.dat had been created via the visual checking. The Moho depth can be estimated using the the H-k stacking method.

Seispy has provided a command hk to do this process.

usage: hk [-h] [-v] cfg_file

HK stacking for single station

positional arguments:
  cfg_file    Path to HK configure file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -v          Display results to standard output

Prepare a configure file for hk

Here we provide an hk.cfg in this example. See Templates of configurations in detail.

Run this example

hk hk.cfg

The figure would be generated to hkpath, which shows the stacking energy of difference phases and the final result of the estimation.

The result of the Moho depth and Vp/Vs were saved into the path of hklst (defaults to hk.dat).