Relationship between time difference and depth in 1D velocity model.


This notebook can be downloaded as ps-depth.ipynb

Converting Ps time difference to depth is an useful method to estimate the depth of subsurface discontinuities corresponding to RF pulses. As the formula between Ps time difference \(T_{Ps}\) and depth (equivalent to radius \(R(i)\) in spherical coordinates) under a layered model, \(V_P\) and \(V_S\) influence the relationship.

\[T_{Ps}(n) = \sum_{i=1}^n\left(\sqrt{\left(\frac{R(i)}{V_S(i)}\right)^2-p_{Ps}^2}-\sqrt{\left(\frac{R(i)}{V_P(i)}\right)^2-p^2}\right)\frac{{\Delta}r}{R(i)}\]

In relevant studies, different velocity models are used to estimate the effects of velocity anormalies on depth of discontinuities.

Define a velocity model

The velocity model should be prepared in a txt file with 3 columns (i.e., depth or thickness, Vp and Vs). Both depth or thickness are accepted for Seispy.

  • Using thickness of layers are popular in other toolbox, such as the CPS, Raysum and Hk.

  • The depth is defined in reference models and in the Taup toolkit.

from seispy.core.depmodel import DepModel
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
ModuleNotFoundError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[1], line 1
----> 1 from seispy.core.depmodel import DepModel
      2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
      3 import numpy as np

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'seispy'

Customize a layered model

  • h is the thickness of layers. The last layer can be set to 0 as the half space.

  • vp and vs are velocities of corresponding layers.

h = np.array([20, 15, 175, 200, 250, 0])
vp = np.array([5800, 6500, 8175, 8665, 9864, 10923])/1000
vs = np.array([3460, 3850, 4500, 4783, 5398, 6089])/1000
dep_range = np.arange(800)
depmod_layer = DepModel.read_layer_model(dep_range, h, vp, vs)

Use built-in reference model

Seispy has imported some reference models. ak135 and iasp91 are available for argument velmod.

depmod_ak135 = DepModel(dep_range, velmod='ak135')

Calculate time difference

The DepModel involve method for time difference calculation of conversion and multiple phases. Here, assuming the ray-parameter as 0.06 s/km, we calculate time differences with dep_range set before.


The ray-parameters of P and Ps can be different. In following case, the ray-parameter of Ps is approximated as that of direct P wave.

from seispy.geo import skm2srad
rayp = skm2srad(0.06)
t1 = depmod_ak135.tpds(rayp, rayp) # Ps
tm1 = depmod_ak135.tpppds(rayp, rayp) # PpPs
tm2 = depmod_ak135.tpspds(rayp, rayp) # PsPs+PpSs

plt.plot(t1, depmod_ak135.depths, label='Ps')
plt.plot(tm1, depmod_ak135.depths, label='PpPs')
plt.plot(tm2, depmod_ak135.depths, label='PsPs+PpSs')
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
plt.ylabel('Depth (km)')

# inset axes....
axins = plt.gca().inset_axes([0, 1.1, 0.47, 0.47])
axins.plot(t1, depmod_ak135.depths, label='Ps')
axins.plot(tm1, depmod_ak135.depths, label='PpPs')
axins.plot(tm2, depmod_ak135.depths, label='PsPs+PpSs')
# sub region of the original image
x1, x2, y1, y2 = 0, 30, 0, 150
axins.set_xlim(x1, x2)
axins.set_ylim(y1, y2)
plt.gca().indicate_inset_zoom(axins, edgecolor="black")
(<matplotlib.patches.Rectangle at 0x284873070>,
 (<matplotlib.patches.ConnectionPatch at 0x28488d9d0>,
  <matplotlib.patches.ConnectionPatch at 0x28488dc10>,
  <matplotlib.patches.ConnectionPatch at 0x2848a9040>,
  <matplotlib.patches.ConnectionPatch at 0x2848a9340>))

Following case show relationship between time difference and depth with ray-parameter from 0.04 to 0.08 s/km.

rayp_list = np.arange(0.04, 0.09, 0.01)
tps = np.zeros([rayp_list.size, depmod_ak135.depths.size])
for i, raypps in enumerate(rayp_list):
    tps[i] = depmod_ak135.tpds(skm2srad(raypps), skm2srad(raypps)) 
    plt.plot(tps[i], depmod_ak135.depths, label='{:.2f}'.format(raypps))
plt.legend(title='Ray-parameter (s/km)')
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
plt.ylabel('Depth (km)')
/Users/xumijian/opt/miniconda3_arm/lib/python3.9/site-packages/seispy/core/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt
  np.sqrt((radius / self.vp) ** 2 - raypp ** 2)) *
Text(0, 0.5, 'Depth (km)')