Source code for seispy.rfcorrect

from import SACTrace
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d, interpn
from scipy.signal import resample
from os.path import dirname, join, exists, isfile, abspath
from seispy.geo import skm2srad, sdeg2skm, rad2deg, latlon_from, \
                       asind, tand, srad2skm, km2deg
from seispy.psrayp import get_psrayp
from seispy.rfani import RFAni
from seispy.slantstack import SlantStack
from seispy.harmonics import Harmonics
from seispy.plotRT import plotrt as _plotrt
from seispy.plotR import plotr as _plotr
from seispy.utils import scalar_instance
from seispy.core.depmodel import DepModel, interp_depth_model
from seispy.core.pertmod import Mod3DPerturbation
import warnings
import glob

[docs] class RFStation(object): def __init__(self, data_path, only_r=False, prime_comp='R'): """ Class for derivative process of RFs. :param data_path: Path to RF data with SAC format. A finallist.dat must be in this path. :type data_path: str :param only_r: Whether reading transverse RFs, defaults to False :type only_r: bool, optional :param prime_comp: Prime component in RF filename. ``R`` or ``Q`` for PRF and ``L`` or ``Z`` for SRF :type prime_comp: str .. warning:: This Class will be renamed to ``RFStation`` in future versions. """ self.only_r = only_r self.comp = prime_comp self.dtype = {'names': ('event', 'phase', 'evla', 'evlo', 'evdp', 'dis', 'bazi', 'rayp', 'mag', 'f0'), 'formats': ('U20', 'U20', 'f4', 'f4', 'f4', 'f4', 'f4', 'f4', 'f4', 'f4')} if not exists(data_path): return self._chech_comp() if isfile(data_path): data_path = dirname(abspath(data_path)) evt_lsts = glob.glob(join(data_path, '*finallist.dat')) if len(evt_lsts) == 0: raise FileNotFoundError("No such *finallist.dat in the {}".format(data_path)) elif len(evt_lsts) > 1: raise ValueError("More than one finallist.dat in the {}".format(data_path)) else: evt_lst = evt_lsts[0] self.event, self.phase, self.evla, self.evlo, self.evdp, self.dis, self.bazi, self.rayp, self.mag, self.f0 = \ np.loadtxt(evt_lst, dtype=self.dtype, unpack=True, ndmin=1) self.rayp = skm2srad(self.rayp) self.ev_num = self.evla.shape[0] self._read_sample(data_path) self.data_prime = np.empty([self.ev_num, self.rflength]) # self.__dict__['data{}'.format(self.comp.lower())] = np.empty([self.ev_num, self.rflength]) # eval('self.data_prime ={}'.format(self.comp.lower())) if not only_r: self.datat = np.empty([self.ev_num, self.rflength]) for _i, evt, ph in zip(range(self.ev_num), self.event, self.phase): sac =, evt + '_' + ph + '_{}.sac'.format(self.comp))) sact =, evt + '_' + ph + '_T.sac')) self.data_prime[_i] = self.datat[_i] = else: for _i, evt, ph in zip(range(self.ev_num), self.event, self.phase): sac =, evt + '_' + ph + '_{}.sac'.format(self.comp))) self.data_prime[_i] = exec('{} = self.data_prime'.format(self.comp.lower())) def _read_sample(self, data_path): """Read sample SAC file to get station information :param data_path: Path to RF data with SAC format :type data_path: str """ fname = glob.glob(join(data_path, self.event[0] + '_' + self.phase[0] + '_{}.sac'.format(self.comp))) if len(fname) == 0: raise FileNotFoundError('No such files with comp of {} in {}'.format(self.comp, data_path)) else: sample_sac =[0]) self.staname = '{}.{}'.format(sample_sac.knetwk, sample_sac.kstnm) self.stla = sample_sac.stla self.stlo = sample_sac.stlo if sample_sac.stel is None: self.stel = 0. else: self.stel = sample_sac.stel self.rflength = sample_sac.npts self.shift = -sample_sac.b self.sampling = self.time_axis = np.arange(self.rflength) * self.sampling - self.shift def _init_property(self, ev_num): self.ev_num = ev_num self.event = np.array(['']*ev_num) self.phase = np.array(['']*ev_num) self.evla = np.zeros(ev_num) self.evlo = np.zeros(ev_num) self.evdp = np.zeros(ev_num) self.mag = np.zeros(ev_num) self.dis = np.zeros(ev_num) self.bazi = np.zeros(ev_num) self.rayp = np.zeros(ev_num) self.f0 = np.zeros(ev_num) self.stla = 0 self.stlo = 0 self.stel = 0 self.staname = '' self.sampling = 0 self.rflength = 0 # self.data_prime = np.array([]) # exec('self.data_prime ={} = np.array([])'.format(self.comp.lower())) # self.__dict__['data{}'.format(self.comp.lower())] = np.array([]) self.datat = np.array([]) # self.data_prime = eval('{}'.format(self.comp.lower()))
[docs] @classmethod def read_stream(cls, stream, rayp, baz, prime_comp='R', stream_t=None): """Create RFStation instance from ``obspy.Stream`` :param stream: Stream of RFs :type stream: :meth:`obspy.Stream` :param rayp: Ray-parameter of RFs :type rayp: float or :meth:`np.ndarray` :param baz: Back-azimuth of RFs :type baz: float or :meth:`np.ndarray` :param prime_comp: Prime component in RF filename. ``R`` or ``Q`` for PRF and ``L`` or ``Z`` for SRF, defaults to 'R' :type prime_comp: str, optional :param stream_t: Stream of transverse RFs, defaults to None :type stream_t: :meth:`obspy.Stream`, optional :return: RFStation instance :rtype: RFStation """ if len(stream) == 0: raise ValueError('No such RFTrace read') if stream_t is not None and len(stream) != len(stream_t): raise ValueError('Stream and Stream_t must have the same length') if stream_t is not None: only_r = False else: only_r = True rfsta = cls('', only_r=only_r, prime_comp=prime_comp) ev_num = len(stream) if scalar_instance(rayp): rayp = np.ones(ev_num)*rayp if scalar_instance(baz): baz = np.ones(ev_num)*baz if ev_num != rayp.size or ev_num != baz.size: raise ValueError('Array length of rayp and baz must be the same as stream') rfsta._init_property(ev_num) try: rfsta.staname = '{}.{}'.format(stream[0].stats.sac.knetwk, stream[0].stats.sac.kstnm) rfsta.stla = stream[0].stats.sac.stla rfsta.stlo = stream[0].stats.sac.stlo rfsta.stel = stream[0].stats.sac.stel except: pass try: rfsta.shift = stream[0].stats.tshift except: rfsta.shift = -stream[0].stats.sac.b rfsta.sampling = stream[0] rfsta.rflength = stream[0].stats.npts rfsta.data_prime = np.zeros([rfsta.ev_num, rfsta.rflength]) rfsta.bazi = baz rfsta.rayp = skm2srad(rayp) rfsta.time_axis = np.arange(rfsta.rflength) * rfsta.sampling - rfsta.shift for i, tr in enumerate(stream): rfsta.event[i] = '{}'.format(i) try: rfsta.f0[i] = tr.stats.f0 except: rfsta.f0[i] = tr.stats.sac.user1 rfsta.data_prime[i] = if stream_t is not None: rfsta.datat = np.zeros([rfsta.ev_num, rfsta.rflength]) for i, tr in enumerate(stream_t): rfsta.datat[i] = exec('{} = rfsta.data_prime'.format(rfsta.comp.lower())) return rfsta
[docs] def bin_stack(self, key='bazi', lim=[0, 360], val=10): """Stack RFs by bins of ``key`` with interval of ``val`` :param key: Key to stack, valid in ['bazi', 'rayp' (in s/km)], defaults to 'bazi' :type key: str, optional :param val: Interval of bins, defaults to 10 degree for bazi :type val: int, optional :return: Stacked RFs :rtype: ``dict`` with keys of ``data_prime``, ``datat`` and ``count`` """ bins = np.arange(lim[0], lim[1]+val, val) idx = np.digitize(self.__dict__[key], bins) stacked = { 'data_prime': np.zeros([bins.size-1, self.rflength]), 'count': np.zeros(bins.size-1), 'bins': bins[:-1]+val/2, } if not self.only_r: stacked['datat'] = np.zeros([bins.size-1, self.rflength]) for i in range(1, bins.size): if i not in idx: continue stacked['data_prime'][i-1] = np.mean(self.data_prime[idx==i], axis=0) if not self.only_r: stacked['datat'][i-1] = np.mean(self.datat[idx==i], axis=0) stacked['count'][i-1] = np.sum(idx==i) return stacked
@property def stel(self): return self._stel @stel.setter def stel(self, value): if value is None: self._stel = 0. else: self._stel = value/1000 def _chech_comp(self): if self.comp in ['R', 'Q']: self.prime_phase = 'P' elif self.comp in ['L', 'Z']: self.prime_phase = 'S' else: raise ValueError('prime component should be in \'R\', \'Q\', \'L\' and \'Z\'')
[docs] def normalize(self, method='single'): """Normalize amplitude of each RFs. :param method: Method of normalization with ``single`` and ``average`` avaliable. - ``single`` for normalization with max amplitude of current RF. - ``average`` for normalization with average amplitude of current station. :type method: str, optional """ if not isinstance(method, str): raise TypeError('\'type\' must be string, but {} type got'.format(type(method))) if method == 'single': maxamp = np.nanmax(np.abs(self.data_prime), axis=1) elif method == 'average': amp = np.nanmax(np.abs(np.mean(self.data_prime, axis=0))) maxamp = np.ones(self.ev_num) * amp else: raise ValueError('\'method\' must be in \'single\' and \'average\'') for i in range(self.ev_num): self.data_prime[i] /= maxamp[i] exec('{} = self.data_prime'.format(self.comp.lower())) if not self.only_r: self.datat[i] /= maxamp[i]
[docs] def resample(self, dt): """Resample RFs with specified dt :param dt: New sampling rate :type dt: float """ npts = int(self.rflength * (self.sampling / dt)) + 1 self.data_prime = resample(self.data_prime, npts, axis=1) exec('{} = self.data_prime'.format(self.comp.lower())) if not self.only_r: self.datat = resample(self.datat, npts, axis=1) self.sampling = dt self.rflength = npts self.time_axis = np.arange(npts) * dt - self.shift
[docs] def sort(self, key='bazi'): """Sort RFs by keys in given ``event``, ``evla``, ``evlo``, ``evdp``, ``dis``, ``bazi``, ``rayp``, ``mag``, ``f0`` :param key: key to sort, defaults to ``bazi`` :type key: str, optional """ idx = np.argsort(self.__dict__[key]) for keyarg in self.dtype['names']: self.__dict__[keyarg] = self.__dict__[keyarg][idx] self.data_prime = self.data_prime[idx] exec('{} = self.data_prime'.format(self.comp.lower())) if not self.only_r: self.datat = self.datat[idx]
[docs] def moveoutcorrect(self, ref_rayp=0.06, dep_range=np.arange(0, 150), velmod='iasp91', replace=False, **kwargs): """Moveout correction with specified reference ray-parameter and depth :param ref_rayp: reference ray-parameter in s/km, defaults to 0.06 :type ref_rayp: float, optional :param dep_range: Depth range used for extracting velocity in velocity model, defaults to np.arange(0, 150) :type dep_range: ``np.ndarray``, optional :param velmod: Velocity model for moveout correction. 'iasp91', 'prem' and 'ak135' is valid for internal model. Specify path to velocity model for the customized model. The format is the same as in Taup, but the depth should be monotonically increasing, defaults to 'iasp91' :type velmod: str, optional :param replace: whether replace original data, False to return new array, defaults to False :type replace: bool, optional Returns ------- rf_corr: ``np.ndarray`` Corrected RFs with component of ``RFStation.comp`` t_corr: ``np.ndarray`` or ``None`` Corrected RFs in transverse component. If ``only_r`` is ``True``, this variable is ``None`` """ if not self.only_r: t_corr, _ = moveoutcorrect_ref(self, skm2srad(ref_rayp), dep_range, chan='t', velmod=velmod, **kwargs) else: t_corr = None rf_corr, _ = moveoutcorrect_ref(self, skm2srad(ref_rayp), dep_range, chan='', velmod=velmod, **kwargs) if replace: self.data_prime= rf_corr if not self.only_r: self.datat = t_corr else: return rf_corr, t_corr
[docs] def psrf2depth(self, dep_range=np.arange(0, 150), **kwargs): """Time-to-depth conversion with specified depth series. :param dep_range: Discret conversion depth, defaults to np.arange(0, 150) :type dep_range: :meth:`np.ndarray` , optional :param velmod: Velocity model for time-to-depth conversion. 'iasp91', 'prem' and 'ak135' is valid for internal model. Specify path to velocity model for the customized model. The format is the same as in Taup, but the depth should be monotonically increasing, defaults to 'iasp91' :type velmod: str, optional :param srayp: Ray-parameter lib for Ps phases, If set up to None the rayp of direct is used, defaults to None :type srayp: numpy.lib.npyio.NpzFile, optional :return: 2D array of RFs in depth :rtype: :meth:`np.ndarray` """ self.dep_range = dep_range rfdepth, endindex, x_s, x_p = psrf2depth(self, dep_range, **kwargs) return rfdepth
[docs] def psrf_1D_raytracing(self, dep_range=np.arange(0, 150), **kwargs): """1D back ray tracing to obtained Ps conversion points at discret depths :param dep_range: Discret conversion depth, defaults to np.arange(0, 150) :type dep_range: numpy.ndarray, optional :param velmod: Velocity model for time-to-depth conversion. 'iasp91', 'prem' and 'ak135' is valid for internal model. Specify path to velocity model for the customized model. The format is the same as in Taup, but the depth should be monotonically increasing, defaults to 'iasp91' :type velmod: str, optional :param srayp: Ray-parameter lib for Ps phases, If set up to None the rayp of direct is used, defaults to None :type srayp: numpy.lib.npyio.NpzFile, optional :return pplat_s: Latitude of conversion points :return pplon_s: Longitude of conversion points :return tps: Time difference of Ps at each depth :rtype: list """ self.dep_range = dep_range pplat_s, pplon_s, _ , _, _, _, tps = psrf_1D_raytracing(self, dep_range, **kwargs) return pplat_s, pplon_s, tps
[docs] def psrf_3D_raytracing(self, mod3dpath, dep_range=np.arange(0, 150), srayp=None): """3D back ray tracing to obtained Ps conversion points at discret depths :param mod3dpath: Path to 3D velocity model :type mod3dpath: str :param dep_range: Discret conversion depth, defaults to np.arange(0, 150) :type dep_range: numpy.ndarray, optional :param srayp: Ray-parameter lib for Ps phases, If set up to None the rayp of direct is used, defaults to None :type srayp: numpy.lib.npyio.NpzFile, optional :return pplat_s: Latitude of conversion points :return pplon_s: Longitude of conversion points :return tps: Time difference of Ps at each depth :rtype: list """ self.dep_range = dep_range mod3d = Mod3DPerturbation(mod3dpath, dep_range) pplat_s, pplon_s, _, _, tps = psrf_3D_raytracing(self, dep_range, mod3d, srayp=srayp) return pplat_s, pplon_s, tps
[docs] def psrf_3D_moveoutcorrect(self, mod3dpath, **kwargs): """3D moveout correction with 3D velocity model :param mod3dpath: Path to 3D velocity model :type mod3dpath: str :param dep_range: Discret conversion depth, defaults to np.arange(0, 150) :type dep_range: numpy.ndarray, optional :param srayp: Ray-parameter lib for Ps phases, If set up to None the rayp of direct is used, defaults to None :type srayp: numpy.lib.npyio.NpzFile, optional :return: 2D array of RFs in depth :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ warnings.warn('The fuction will be change to RFStation.psrf_3D_timecorrect in the future') self.psrf_3D_timecorrect(mod3dpath, **kwargs)
[docs] def psrf_3D_timecorrect(self, mod3dpath, dep_range=np.arange(0, 150), normalize='single', **kwargs): """3D time-to-depth conversion with 3D velocity model :param mod3dpath: Path to 3D velocity model :type mod3dpath: str :param dep_range: Discret conversion depth, defaults to np.arange(0, 150) :type dep_range: numpy.ndarray, optional :param normalize: Normalization method, defaults to 'single', see RFStation.normalize for detail :type normalize: str, optional :return: 2D array of RFs in depth :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ self.dep_range = dep_range mod3d = Mod3DPerturbation(mod3dpath, dep_range) pplat_s, pplon_s, pplat_p, pplon_p, raylength_s, raylength_p, tps = psrf_1D_raytracing(self, dep_range, **kwargs) tps = psrf_3D_migration(pplat_s, pplon_s, pplat_p, pplon_p, raylength_s, raylength_p, tps, dep_range, mod3d) rfdepth, _ = time2depth(self, dep_range, tps, normalize=normalize) return rfdepth
[docs] def jointani(self, tb, te, tlen=3., stack_baz_val=10, rayp=0.06, velmodel='iasp91', weight=[0.4, 0.4, 0.2]): """Eastimate crustal anisotropy with a joint method. See Liu and Niu (2012, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2011.05249.x) in detail. :param tb: Time before Pms for search Ps peak :type tb: float :param te: Time after Pms for search Ps peak :type te: float :param tlen: Half time length for cut out Ps phase, defaults to 3.0 :type tlen: float, optional :param stack_baz_val: The interval for stacking binned by back-azimuth, defaults to 10 :type stack_baz_val: float, optional :param rayp: Reference ray-parameter for moveout correction, defaults to 0.06 :type rayp: float, optional :param velmodel: velocity model for moveout correction. 'iasp91', 'prem' and 'ak135' is valid for internal model. Specify path to velocity model for the customized model. The format is the same as in Taup, but the depth should be monotonically increasing, defaults to 'iasp91' :type velmodel: str, optional :param weight: Weight for three different method, defaults to [0.4, 0.4, 0.2] :type weight: list, optional :return: Dominant fast velocity direction and time delay :rtype: ``List``, ``List`` """ self.ani = RFAni(self, tb, te, tlen=tlen, rayp=rayp, model=velmodel) self.ani.baz_stack(val=stack_baz_val) best_f, best_t = self.ani.joint_ani(weight=weight) return best_f, best_t
[docs] def slantstack(self, ref_dis=None, rayp_range=None, tau_range=None): """Slant stack for receiver function :param ref_dis: reference distance, by default None :type ref_dis: int or float, optional :param rayp_range: range of ray parameter, by default None :type rayp_range: numpy.ndarray, optional :param tau_range: range of tau, by default None :type tau_range: numpy.ndarray, optional """ self.slant = SlantStack(self.data_prime, self.time_axis, self.dis) self.slant.stack(ref_dis, rayp_range, tau_range) return self.slant.stack_amp
[docs] def harmonic(self, tb=-5, te=10, is_stack=True): """Harmonic decomposition for extracting anisotropic and isotropic features from the radial and transverse RFs :param tb: Start time relative to P, defaults to -5 :type tb: ``float``, optional :param te: End time relative to P, defaults to 10 :type te: ``float``, optional :param is_stack: Wether stack the result, defaults to True :type is_stack: bool, optional :return: Harmonic components and unmodel components :rtype: ``numpy.ndarray``, ``numpy.ndarray`` """ if self.only_r: raise ValueError('Transverse RFs are nessary for harmonic decomposition') self.harmo = Harmonics(self, tb, te, bin_stack=is_stack) self.harmo.harmo_trans() return self.harmo.harmonic_trans, self.harmo.unmodel_trans
[docs] def plotrt(self, outformat=None, **kwargs): """Plot radial and transverse RFs :param outformat: Output format for plot, defaults to None :type outformat: str, optional """ if self.only_r: raise ValueError('Transverse RFs are nessary or use RFStation.plotr instead.') return _plotrt(self, outformat=outformat, **kwargs)
[docs] def plotr(self, outformat=None, **kwargs): """Plot radial RFs :param outformat: Output format for plot, defaults to None :type outformat: str, optional """ return _plotr(self, outformat=outformat, **kwargs)
[docs] class SACStation(RFStation): def __init__(self, data_path, only_r=False): """Class for derivative process of RFs. :param data_path: Path to RF data with SAC format. A finallist.dat must be in this path. :type data_path: str :param only_r: Wether only read R component, defaults to False :type only_r: bool, optional """ super().__init__(data_path, only_r=only_r)
def _imag2nan(arr): StopIndex = np.where(np.imag(arr) == 1)[0] if StopIndex.size != 0: arr[StopIndex[0]:] = np.nan return arr
[docs] def moveoutcorrect_ref(stadatar, raypref, YAxisRange, chan='', velmod='iasp91', sphere=True, phase=1): """Moveout correction refer to a specified ray-parameter :param stadatar: data class of RFStation :param raypref: referred ray parameter in rad :param YAxisRange: Depth range in nd.array type :param velmod: Path to velocity model :param chan: channel name for correction, 'r', 't'... :return: Newdatar, EndIndex """ sampling = stadatar.sampling shift = stadatar.shift if chan == 't': data = stadatar.datat else: data = stadatar.data_prime dep_mod = DepModel(YAxisRange, velmod, stadatar.stel) # x_s = np.zeros([stadatar.ev_num, YAxisRange.shape[0]]) # x_p = np.zeros([stadatar.ev_num, YAxisRange.shape[0]]) tps = np.zeros([stadatar.ev_num, YAxisRange.shape[0]]) for i in range(stadatar.ev_num): tps[i], _, _ = xps_tps_map(dep_mod, stadatar.rayp[i], stadatar.rayp[i], sphere=sphere, phase=phase) Tpds_ref, _, _ = xps_tps_map(dep_mod, raypref, raypref, sphere=sphere, phase=phase) Newdatar = np.zeros([stadatar.ev_num, stadatar.rflength]) EndIndex = np.zeros(stadatar.ev_num) # for i in range(stadatar.ev_num): Newaxis = np.array([]) TempTpds = tps[i, :] StopIndex = np.where(np.imag(TempTpds) == 1)[0] if StopIndex.size == 0: StopIndex = dep_mod.depths.shape[0] EndIndex[i] = StopIndex - 1 Newaxis = np.append(Newaxis, np.append(np.arange(-shift, 0, sampling), 0)) for j in np.arange(int(shift / sampling + 1), stadatar.rflength): Refaxis = j * sampling - shift index = np.where(Refaxis <= tps[i, 0:StopIndex])[0] if index.size == 0: break Ratio = (Tpds_ref[index[0]] - Tpds_ref[index[0] - 1]) / (tps[i, index[0]] - tps[i, index[0] - 1]) Newaxis = np.append(Newaxis, Tpds_ref[index[0] - 1] + (Refaxis - tps[i, index[0] - 1]) * Ratio) endidx = Newaxis.shape[0] x_new = np.arange(0, stadatar.rflength) * sampling - shift Tempdata = interp1d(Newaxis, data[i, 0:endidx], bounds_error=False)(x_new) endIndice = np.where(np.isnan(Tempdata))[0] if endIndice.size == 0: New_data = Tempdata else: New_data = np.append(Tempdata[1:endIndice[0]], data[i, endidx+1:]) if New_data.shape[0] < stadatar.rflength: Newdatar[i] = np.append(New_data, np.zeros(stadatar.rflength - New_data.shape[0])) else: Newdatar[i] = New_data[0: stadatar.rflength] return Newdatar, EndIndex
[docs] def psrf2depth(stadatar, YAxisRange, velmod='iasp91', srayp=None, normalize='single', sphere=True, phase=1): """ Time-to-depth conversion with S-wave backprojection. :param stadatar: Data class of RFStation :type stadatar: :meth:`RFStation` :param YAxisRange: Depth range for conversion :type YAxisRange: ``numpy.ndarray`` :param velmod: Velocity for conversion, whcih can be a path to velocity file, defaults to 'iasp91' :type velmod: str, optional :param srayp: ray-parameter library of conversion phases. See :meth:`seispy.psrayp` in detail, defaults to None :type srayp: str or :meth:`seispy.psrayp.PsRayp`, optional :param normalize: method of normalization, defaults to 'single'. Please refer to :meth:`RFStation.normalize` :type normalize: str, optional :param sphere: Wether do earth-flattening transformation, defaults to True :type sphere: bool, optional Returns ------------ ps_rfdepth: 2-D numpy.ndarray, float RFs in depth with shape of ``(stadatar.ev_num, YAxisRange.size)``, ``stadatar.ev_num`` is the number of RFs in current station. ``YAxisRange.size`` is the size of depth axis. endindex: numpy.ndarray, int End index of each RF in depth x_s: 2-D numpy.ndarray, float Horizontal distance between station and S-wave conversion points with shape of ``(stadatar.ev_num, YAxisRange.size)`` x_p: 2-D numpy.ndarray, float Horizontal distance between station and P-wave conversion points with shape of ``(stadatar.ev_num, YAxisRange.size)`` """ if exists(velmod): try: dep_mod = DepModel(YAxisRange, velmod, elevation=stadatar.stel) except: dep_mod = DepModel(YAxisRange, 'iasp91', elevation=stadatar.stel) try: velmod_3d = np.load(velmod) dep_mod.vp, dep_mod.vs = interp_depth_model(velmod_3d, stadatar.stla, stadatar.stlo, dep_mod.depths_elev) except Exception as e: raise FileNotFoundError('Cannot load 1D or 3D velocity model of \'{}\''.format(velmod)) else: try: dep_mod = DepModel(YAxisRange, velmod, elevation=stadatar.stel) except: raise ValueError('Cannot recognize the velocity model of \'{}\''.format(velmod)) x_s = np.zeros([stadatar.ev_num, YAxisRange.shape[0]]) x_p = np.zeros([stadatar.ev_num, YAxisRange.shape[0]]) tps = np.zeros([stadatar.ev_num, YAxisRange.shape[0]]) if srayp is None: for i in range(stadatar.ev_num): tps[i], x_s[i], x_p[i] = xps_tps_map(dep_mod, stadatar.rayp[i], stadatar.rayp[i], sphere=sphere, phase=phase) elif isinstance(srayp, str) or isinstance(srayp, np.lib.npyio.NpzFile): if isinstance(srayp, str): if not exists(srayp): raise FileNotFoundError('Ps rayp lib file was not found') else: rayp_lib = np.load(srayp) else: rayp_lib = srayp for i in range(stadatar.ev_num): rayp = get_psrayp(rayp_lib, stadatar.dis[i], stadatar.evdp[i], dep_mod.depths_elev) rayp = skm2srad(sdeg2skm(rayp)) tps[i], x_s[i], x_p[i] = xps_tps_map(dep_mod, rayp, stadatar.rayp[i], sphere=sphere, phase=phase) else: raise TypeError('srayp should be path to Ps rayp lib') ps_rfdepth, endindex = time2depth(stadatar, dep_mod.depths, tps, normalize=normalize) return ps_rfdepth, endindex, x_s, x_p
[docs] def xps_tps_map(dep_mod: DepModel, srayp, prayp, is_raylen=False, sphere=True, phase=1): """Calculate horizontal distance and time difference at depths :param dep_mod: 1D velocity model class :type dep_mod: :meth:`seispy.util.DepModel` :param srayp: conversion phase ray-parameters :type srayp: float :param prayp: S-wave ray-parameters :type prayp: float :param is_raylen: Wether calculate ray length at depths, defaults to False :type is_raylen: bool, optional :param sphere: Wether do earth-flattening transformation, defaults to True, defaults to True :type sphere: bool, optional :param phase: Phases to calculate 1 for ``Ps``, 2 for ``PpPs``, 3 for ``PsPs+PpSs``, defaults to 1 :type phase: int, optional Returns ----------- If ``is_raylen = False`` tps: 2-D numpy.ndarray, float RFs in depth with shape of ``(stadatar.ev_num, YAxisRange.size)``, ``stadatar.ev_num`` is the number of RFs in current station. ``YAxisRange.size`` is the size of depth axis. x_s: 2-D numpy.ndarray, float Horizontal distance between station and S-wave conversion points with shape of ``(stadatar.ev_num, YAxisRange.size)`` x_p: 2-D numpy.ndarray, float Horizontal distance between station and P-wave conversion points with shape of ``(stadatar.ev_num, YAxisRange.size)`` otherwise, two more variables will be returned raylength_s: 2-D numpy.ndarray, float raylength_p: 2-D numpy.ndarray, float """ x_s = dep_mod.radius_s(prayp, phase='S', sphere=sphere) x_p = dep_mod.radius_s(prayp, phase='P', sphere=sphere) if is_raylen: raylength_s = dep_mod.raylength(srayp, phase='S', sphere=sphere) raylength_p = dep_mod.raylength(prayp, phase='P', sphere=sphere) if phase == 1: tps = dep_mod.tpds(srayp, prayp, sphere=sphere) elif phase == 2: tps = dep_mod.tpppds(srayp, prayp, sphere=sphere) elif phase == 3: tps = dep_mod.tpspds(srayp, sphere=sphere) else: raise ValueError('Phase must be in 1 for Ps, 2 for PpPs, 3 for PsPs+PpSs') if dep_mod.elevation != 0: x_s = interp1d(dep_mod.depths_elev, x_s, bounds_error=False, fill_value=(np.nan, x_s[-1]))(dep_mod.depths) x_p = interp1d(dep_mod.depths_elev, x_p, bounds_error=False, fill_value=(np.nan, x_p[-1]))(dep_mod.depths) tps = interp1d(dep_mod.depths_elev, tps, bounds_error=False, fill_value=(np.nan, tps[-1]))(dep_mod.depths) if is_raylen: raylength_s = interp1d(dep_mod.depths_elev, raylength_s, bounds_error=False, fill_value=(np.nan, raylength_s[-1]))(dep_mod.depths) raylength_p = interp1d(dep_mod.depths_elev, raylength_p, bounds_error=False, fill_value=(np.nan, raylength_p[-1]))(dep_mod.depths) if is_raylen: return tps, x_s, x_p, raylength_s, raylength_p else: return tps, x_s, x_p
[docs] def psrf_1D_raytracing(stadatar, YAxisRange, velmod='iasp91', srayp=None, sphere=True, phase=1): dep_mod = DepModel(YAxisRange, velmod, stadatar.stel) # x_s = np.zeros([stadatar.ev_num, YAxisRange.shape[0]]) raylength_s = np.zeros([stadatar.ev_num, YAxisRange.shape[0]]) pplat_s = np.zeros([stadatar.ev_num, YAxisRange.shape[0]]) pplon_s = np.zeros([stadatar.ev_num, YAxisRange.shape[0]]) # x_p = np.zeros([stadatar.ev_num, YAxisRange.shape[0]]) raylength_p = np.zeros([stadatar.ev_num, YAxisRange.shape[0]]) pplat_p = np.zeros([stadatar.ev_num, YAxisRange.shape[0]]) pplon_p = np.zeros([stadatar.ev_num, YAxisRange.shape[0]]) tps = np.zeros([stadatar.ev_num, YAxisRange.shape[0]]) if srayp is None: for i in range(stadatar.ev_num): tps[i], x_s, x_p, raylength_s[i], raylength_p[i] = xps_tps_map( dep_mod, stadatar.rayp[i], stadatar.rayp[i], is_raylen=True, sphere=sphere, phase=phase) pplat_s[i], pplon_s[i] = latlon_from(stadatar.stla, stadatar.stlo, stadatar.bazi[i], rad2deg(x_s)) pplat_p[i], pplon_p[i] = latlon_from(stadatar.stla, stadatar.stlo, stadatar.bazi[i], rad2deg(x_p)) elif isinstance(srayp, str) or isinstance(srayp, np.lib.npyio.NpzFile): if isinstance(srayp, str): if not exists(srayp): raise FileNotFoundError('Ps rayp lib file not found') else: rayp_lib = np.load(srayp) else: rayp_lib = srayp for i in range(stadatar.ev_num): rayp = get_psrayp(rayp_lib, stadatar.dis[i], stadatar.evdp[i], dep_mod.depths_elev) rayp = skm2srad(sdeg2skm(rayp)) tps[i], x_s, x_p, raylength_s[i], raylength_p[i] = xps_tps_map(dep_mod, rayp, stadatar.rayp[i], is_raylen=True, sphere=sphere, phase=phase) x_s = _imag2nan(x_s) x_p = _imag2nan(x_p) pplat_s[i], pplon_s[i] = latlon_from(stadatar.stla, stadatar.stlo, stadatar.bazi[i], rad2deg(x_s)) pplat_p[i], pplon_p[i] = latlon_from(stadatar.stla, stadatar.stlo, stadatar.bazi[i], rad2deg(x_p)) else: raise TypeError('srayp should be path to Ps rayp lib') return pplat_s, pplon_s, pplat_p, pplon_p, raylength_s, raylength_p, tps
[docs] def psrf_3D_raytracing(stadatar, YAxisRange, mod3d, srayp=None, elevation=0, sphere=True): """ Back ray trace the S wavs with a assumed ray parameter of P. :param stadatar: The data class including PRFs and more parameters :type stadatar: object RFStation :param YAxisRange: The depth array with the same intervals :type YAxisRange: numpy.ndarray :param mod3d: The 3D velocity model with fields of ``dep``, ``lat``, ``lon``, ``vp`` and ``vs``. :type mod3d: 'Mod3DPerturbation' object :param elevation: Elevation of this station relative to sea level :type elevation: float :return: pplat_s, pplon_s, pplat_p, pplon_p, tps :type: numpy.ndarray * 5 """ if sphere: R = 6371.0 - YAxisRange + elevation else: R = 6371.0 + elevation dep_range = YAxisRange.copy() YAxisRange -= elevation ddepth = np.mean(np.diff(YAxisRange)) pplat_s = np.zeros([stadatar.ev_num, YAxisRange.shape[0]]) pplon_s = np.zeros([stadatar.ev_num, YAxisRange.shape[0]]) pplat_p = np.zeros([stadatar.ev_num, YAxisRange.shape[0]]) pplon_p = np.zeros([stadatar.ev_num, YAxisRange.shape[0]]) x_s = np.zeros([stadatar.ev_num, YAxisRange.shape[0]]) x_p = np.zeros([stadatar.ev_num, YAxisRange.shape[0]]) tps = np.zeros([stadatar.ev_num, YAxisRange.shape[0]]) rayps = srad2skm(stadatar.rayp) if isinstance(srayp, str) or isinstance(srayp, np.lib.npyio.NpzFile): if isinstance(srayp, str): if not exists(srayp): raise FileNotFoundError('Ps rayp lib file not found') else: rayp_lib = np.load(srayp) else: rayp_lib = srayp elif srayp is None: pass else: raise TypeError('srayp should be path to Ps rayp lib') for i in range(stadatar.ev_num): if srayp is None: srayps = stadatar.rayp[i] else: srayps = get_psrayp(rayp_lib, stadatar.dis[i], stadatar.evdp[i], YAxisRange) srayps = skm2srad(sdeg2skm(srayps)) pplat_s[i][0] = pplat_p[i][0] = stadatar.stla pplon_s[i][0] = pplon_p[i][0] = stadatar.stlo x_s[i][0] = 0 x_p[i][0] = 0 vs = np.zeros_like(YAxisRange) vp = np.zeros_like(YAxisRange) for j, dep in enumerate(YAxisRange[:-1]): vs[j] = interpn((mod3d.model['dep'], mod3d.model['lat'], mod3d.model['lon']), mod3d.model['vs'], (dep, pplat_s[i, j], pplon_s[i, j]), bounds_error=False, fill_value=None) vp[j] = interpn((mod3d.model['dep'], mod3d.model['lat'], mod3d.model['lon']), mod3d.model['vp'], (dep, pplat_p[i, j], pplon_p[i, j]), bounds_error=False, fill_value=None) x_s[i, j+1] = ddepth*tand(asind(vs[j]*rayps[i])) + x_s[i, j] x_p[i, j+1] = ddepth*tand(asind(vp[j]*rayps[i])) + x_p[i, j] pplat_s[i, j+1], pplon_s[i, j+1] = latlon_from(stadatar.stla, stadatar.stlo, stadatar.bazi[i], km2deg(x_s[i, j+1])) pplat_p[i, j+1], pplon_p[i, j+1] = latlon_from(stadatar.stla, stadatar.stlo, stadatar.bazi[i], km2deg(x_p[i, j+1])) tps_corr = np.cumsum((np.sqrt((R / vs) ** 2 - srayps ** 2) - np.sqrt((R / vp) ** 2 - stadatar.rayp[i] ** 2)) * (ddepth / R)) if elevation != 0: tps[i] = interp1d(YAxisRange, tps_corr)(dep_range) return pplat_s, pplon_s, pplat_p, pplon_p, tps
[docs] def psrf_3D_migration(pplat_s, pplon_s, pplat_p, pplon_p, raylength_s, raylength_p, Tpds, dep_range, mod3d): """ 3D time difference correction with specified ray path and 3D velocity model. The input parameters can be generated with :meth:`psrf_1D_raytracing`. Parameters ---------- pplat_s : :meth:`np.ndarray` 2D array of latitude of S-wave in ``dep_range``, (:meth:`RFStation.ev_num`, ``dep_range.size``) pplon_s : :meth:`np.ndarray` 2D array of longitude of S-wave in ``dep_range``, (:meth:`RFStation.ev_num`, ``dep_range.size``) pplat_p : :meth:`np.ndarray` 2D array of latitude of P-wave in ``dep_range``, (:meth:`RFStation.ev_num`, ``dep_range.size``) pplon_p : :meth:`np.ndarray` 2D array of longitude of P-wave in ``dep_range``, (:meth:`RFStation.ev_num`, ``dep_range.size``) raylength_s : :meth:`np.ndarray` 2D array of ray path length of S-wave in ``dep_range``, (:meth:`RFStation.ev_num`, ``dep_range.size``) raylength_p : :meth:`np.ndarray` 2D array of ray path length of P-wave in ``dep_range``, (:meth:`RFStation.ev_num`, ``dep_range.size``) Tpds : :meth:`np.ndarray` 1D array of time difference in ``dep_range`` (``dep_range.size``) dep_range : :meth:`np.ndarray` 1D array of depths in km, (``dep_range.size``) mod3d : :meth:`np.lib.npyio.NpzFile` 3D velocity loaded from a ``.npz`` file Returns ------- :meth:`np.ndarray` Corrected time difference in dep_range """ ev_num, _ = raylength_p.shape timecorrections = np.zeros_like(raylength_p) for i in range(ev_num): points = np.array([dep_range, pplat_p[i], pplon_p[i]]).T dvp = mod3d.interpdvp(points) points = np.array([dep_range, pplat_s[i], pplon_s[i]]).T dvs = mod3d.interpdvs(points) dlp = raylength_p[i] dls = raylength_s[i] tmpds = (dls / (mod3d.cvs * (1 + dvs)) - dls / mod3d.cvs) - (dlp / (mod3d.cvp * (1 + dvp)) - dlp / mod3d.cvp) tmpds[np.isnan(tmpds)] = 0 timecorrections[i] = np.cumsum(tmpds) return Tpds + timecorrections
[docs] def time2depth(stadatar, dep_range, Tpds, normalize='single'): """ Interpolate RF amplitude with specified time difference and depth range Parameters ---------- stadatar : :meth:`RFStation` Data class of :meth:`RFStation` dep_range : :meth:`np.ndarray` 1D array of depths in km, (``dep_range.size``) Tpds : :meth:`np.ndarray` 1D array of time difference in ``dep_range`` (``dep_range.size``) normalize : str, optional Normlization option, ``'sinlge'`` and ``'average'`` are available , by default 'single' See :meth:`RFStation.normalize` in detail. Returns ------- PS_RFdepth: :meth:`np.ndarray` 2D array of RFs in depth, (:meth:`RFStation.ev_num`, ``dep_range.size``) end_index: :meth:`np.ndarray` 1D array of the last digit of effective depth (:meth:`RFStation.ev_num`) """ if normalize: stadatar.normalize(method=normalize) PS_RFdepth = np.zeros([stadatar.ev_num, dep_range.shape[0]]) EndIndex = np.zeros(stadatar.ev_num).astype(int) for i in range(stadatar.ev_num): TempTpds = Tpds[i, :] StopIndex = np.where(np.imag(TempTpds) == 1)[0] if StopIndex.size == 0: EndIndex[i] = dep_range.size - 1 # DepthAxis = interp1d(TempTpds, dep_range, bounds_error=False)(stadatar.time_axis) else: EndIndex[i] = StopIndex[0] - 1 # DepthAxis = interp1d(TempTpds[0:StopIndex], dep_range[0: StopIndex], bounds_error=False)(stadatar.time_axis) PS_RFTempAmps = stadatar.__dict__['data{}'.format(stadatar.comp.lower())][i] ValueIndices = np.where(np.logical_not(np.isnan(dep_range[0:EndIndex[i]+1])))[0] if ValueIndices.size == 0: continue elif np.max(ValueIndices) > PS_RFTempAmps.shape[0]: continue else: PS_RFAmps = interp1d(stadatar.time_axis, PS_RFTempAmps, bounds_error=False)(TempTpds[0:EndIndex[i]+1]) PS_RFdepth[i] = PS_RFAmps return PS_RFdepth, EndIndex
if __name__ == '__main__': rfsta = SACStation('/Users/xumijian/Codes/seispy-example/ex-ccp/RFresult/ZX.212') rfsta.jointani(2, 7, weight=[0.9, 0.1, 0.0]) rfsta.ani.plot_polar()