Source code for seispy.rfani

import numpy as np
from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from os.path import join
from seispy.geo import cosd, sind, extrema
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
from seispy.utils import load_cyan_map

def _joint_stack(energy_r, energy_cc, energy_tc, weight=[0.4, 0.3, 0.3]):
    energy_r = energy_r / np.max(energy_r)
    energy_cc = energy_cc / np.max(energy_cc)
    energy_tc = energy_tc / np.max(energy_tc)
    return np.exp(np.log(energy_r) * weight[0] + np.log(energy_cc) * weight[1] - np.log(energy_tc) * weight[2])

def _average_delay(fd, td):
    uniq_fd = np.unique(fd)
    if uniq_fd.size > 2:
        raise ValueError('FVD do not converge, {} gotten'.format(uniq_fd))
    uniq_td = []
    for i, fv in enumerate(uniq_fd):
        idx = np.where(fd==fv)[0]
    return uniq_fd, np.array(uniq_td)

[docs] class RFAni(): def __init__(self, sacdatar, tb, te, tlen=3, val=10, rayp=0.06, model='iasp91'): """ Estimate crustal anisotropy with a joint method. See Liu and Niu (2012, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2011.05249.x) in detail. Parameters ---------- sacdatar : seispy.rfcorrect.RFStation RFStation include RF data tb : float Starting time for searching Ps peak. te : float end time for searching Ps peak. tlen : int, optional Half-length of time window for trimming waveform around Ps, by default 3 val : int, optional Interval of Back-azimuth, by default 10 rayp : float, optional Reference ray-parameter for moveout correction, by default 0.06 model : str, optional 1D velocity for moveout correction, by default 'iasp91' """ self.tb = tb self.te = te self.tlen = tlen self.sacdatar = sacdatar self.sacdatar.resample(0.01) self.nbs = int((self.tb + self.sacdatar.shift) / self.sacdatar.sampling) self.nes = int((self.te + self.sacdatar.shift) / self.sacdatar.sampling) self.sacdatar.moveoutcorrect(ref_rayp=rayp, velmod=model, replace=True) self.baz_stack(val=val) self._search_peak_amp() self._init_ani_para() self.fvd, self.deltat = np.meshgrid(self.fvd_1d, self.deltat_1d)
[docs] def baz_stack(self, val=10): """Stack RF data with back-azimuth. Parameters ---------- val : int, optional Interval of back-azimuth, by default 10 """ self.stack_range = np.arange(0, 360, val) stacked_data = self.sacdatar.bin_stack(lim=[0, 360], val=val) self.rfr_baz = stacked_data['data_prime'] self.rft_baz = stacked_data['datat'] self.count_baz = stacked_data['count']
def _search_peak_amp(self): mean_rf = np.mean(self.rfr_baz, axis=0) nmax = extrema(mean_rf[self.nbs:self.nes])+self.nbs if nmax.size > 1: nps = nmax[np.nanargmax(mean_rf[nmax])] else: nps = nmax[0] self.nb = int(nps - self.tlen / self.sacdatar.sampling) = int(nps + self.tlen / self.sacdatar.sampling) def _init_ani_para(self): self.deltat_1d = np.arange(0, 1.55, 0.02) self.fvd_1d = np.arange(0, 361, 1) def _cut_energy_waveform(self, idx, nb, ne): """Cut energy waveform with given index, nb and ne. """ engr = np.zeros([nb.shape[0], nb.shape[1],]) for i in range(nb.shape[0]): for j in range(nb.shape[1]): engr[i, j, :] = self.rfr_baz[idx, nb[i, j]:ne[i, j]] return engr
[docs] def radial_energy_max(self): """Calculate the energy of radial component. """ energy = np.zeros([self.fvd.shape[0], self.fvd.shape[1],]) # tmp_data = np.zeros( for i, baz in enumerate(self.stack_range): t_corr = (self.deltat / 2) * cosd(2 * (self.fvd - baz)) nt_corr = (t_corr / self.sacdatar.sampling).astype(int) new_nb = self.nb - nt_corr new_ne = - nt_corr energy += self._cut_energy_waveform(i, new_nb, new_ne) energy = np.max(energy ** 2, axis=2) energy /= np.max(np.sum(self.rfr_baz[:,], axis=0)**2) return energy
[docs] def xyz2grd(self, energy): """Interpolate energy to grid. """ self.fvd, self.deltat = np.meshgrid(self.fvd_1d, self.deltat_1d) return griddata(self.ani_points, energy, (self.fvd, self.deltat))
[docs] def rotate_to_fast_slow(self): """Rotate RF data to fast and slow direction. """ self.ani_points = np.array([[f, d] for f in self.fvd_1d for d in self.deltat_1d]) energy_cc = np.zeros(self.ani_points.shape[0]) energy_tc = np.zeros(self.ani_points.shape[0]) raw_energy_r = np.sum(np.sum(self.rfr_baz[:,], axis=0) ** 2 - np.sum(self.rfr_baz[:,] ** 2, axis=0)) raw_energy_t = np.sum(np.sum(self.rft_baz[:,] ** 2, axis=0)) for i, point in enumerate(self.ani_points): nt_corr = (point[1]/2 / self.sacdatar.sampling).astype(int) nt_fast = np.arange(self.nb, + nt_corr nt_slow = np.arange(self.nb, - nt_corr fcr = np.zeros( fcr_sq = np.zeros( fct = 0 for j, baz in enumerate(self.stack_range): data_fast = self.rfr_baz[j, nt_slow] * cosd(point[0] - baz) + self.rft_baz[j, nt_slow] * sind(point[0] - baz) data_slow = -self.rfr_baz[j, nt_fast] * sind(point[0] - baz) + self.rft_baz[j, nt_fast] * cosd(point[0] - baz) back_rotate_data_r = data_fast * cosd(point[0] - baz) - data_slow * sind(point[0] - baz) back_rotate_data_t = data_fast * sind(point[0] - baz) + data_slow * cosd(point[0] - baz) fcr += back_rotate_data_r fcr_sq += back_rotate_data_r ** 2 # print(np.sum(back_rotate_data_t ** 2), np.sum(self.rft_baz[j,] ** 2)) fct += np.sum(back_rotate_data_t ** 2) energy_cc[i] = np.sum(fcr ** 2 - fcr_sq) / raw_energy_r energy_tc[i] = fct/ raw_energy_t # energy_cc /= np.max(np.abs(energy_cc)) energy_tc /= np.max(np.abs(energy_tc)) return self.xyz2grd(energy_cc), self.xyz2grd(energy_tc)
[docs] def plot_stack_baz(self, enf=60, outpath='./'): """Plot the stack of RF data with back-azimuth. Parameters ---------- enf : int, optional Enlarge factor for back-azimuth, by default 60 outpath : str, optional Output path for saving the figure, by default './' """ ml = MultipleLocator(5) bound = np.zeros_like(self.sacdatar.time_axis)"bmh") plt.rc('grid', color='white', linestyle='-', linewidth=0.7) plt.rcParams["axes.grid.axis"] = "x" fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 8)) axr = plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) for i, baz in enumerate(self.stack_range): if np.mean(self.rfr_baz[i]) == 0: continue amp = self.rfr_baz[i] * enf + baz # axr.plot(time_axis, amp, linewidth=0.2, color='black') axr.fill_between(self.sacdatar.time_axis, amp, bound + baz, where=amp > self.stack_range[i], facecolor='red', alpha=0.7) axr.fill_between(self.sacdatar.time_axis, amp, bound + baz, where=amp < self.stack_range[i], facecolor='#1193F4', alpha=0.7) # axr.plot([0, 0], [0, 360], linewidth=1, color='black') # axr.set_xlim([-1, 15]) # axr.xaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(2)) # axr.set_ylim(0, 360) # axr.set_yticks(np.arange(0, 360+30, 30)) # axr.yaxis.set_minor_locator(ml) # axr.set_ylabel('Back-azimuth ($^\circ$)') # axr.set_xlabel('Time after P(s)') axr.set_title('{} component ({})'.format(self.sacdatar.comp, self.sacdatar.staname), fontsize=16) axt = plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) # axt.grid(color='gray', linestyle='--', linewidth=0.4, axis='x') for i, baz in enumerate(self.stack_range): if np.mean(self.rft_baz[i]) == 0: continue amp = self.rft_baz[i] * enf + baz # axt.plot(time_axis, amp, linewidth=0.2, color='black') axt.fill_between(self.sacdatar.time_axis, amp, bound + baz, where=amp > baz, facecolor='red', alpha=0.7) axt.fill_between(self.sacdatar.time_axis, amp, bound + baz, where=amp < baz, facecolor='#1193F4', alpha=0.7) for ax in [axr, axt]: ax.plot([0, 0], [-30, 400], linewidth=1, color='black') ax.set_xlim(-1, 15) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(2)) ax.set_ylim(-10, 370) ax.set_yticks(np.arange(0, 360+30, 30)) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(ml) ax.set_xlabel('Time after P (s)', fontsize=16) # axt.plot([0, 0], [0, 360], linewidth=1, color='black') # axt.set_xlim([-1, 15]) # # axt.set_xticks(np.arange(0, 5)) # axt.xaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(2)) # axt.set_ylim(0, 360) # axt.set_yticks(np.arange(0, 360+30, 30)) # axt.yaxis.set_minor_locator(ml) axr.set_ylabel(r'Back-azimuth ($^\circ$)', fontsize=16) # axt.set_xlabel('Time after P(s)') axt.set_title('T component ({})'.format(self.sacdatar.staname), fontsize=16) fig.savefig(join(outpath, '{}_baz_stack.png'.format(self.sacdatar.staname)), dpi=400, bbox_inches='tight')
[docs] def plot_correct(self, fvd=0, dt=0.44, enf=80, outpath=None): """Plot the RF data with back-azimuth and time after P corrected. Parameters ---------- fvd : int, optional Fast velocity direction, by default 0 dt : float, optional Time delay for correction, by default 0.44 enf : int, optional Enlarge factor for back-azimuth, by default 80 outpath : str, optional Output path for saving the figure, by default None """ nt_corr = int((dt/2 / self.sacdatar.sampling)) # nt_fast = np.arange(self.nb, + nt_corr # nt_slow = np.arange(self.nb, - nt_corr time_axis = np.arange(self.nb, * self.sacdatar.sampling - self.sacdatar.shift bound = np.zeros_like(time_axis) ml = MultipleLocator(5) plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) axr = plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) axt = plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) for j, baz in enumerate(self.sacdatar.baz): rot_fast = self.rfr_baz[j] * cosd(fvd - baz) + self.rft_baz[j] * sind(fvd - baz) rot_slow = -self.rfr_baz[j] * sind(fvd - baz) + self.rft_baz[j] * cosd(fvd - baz) data_fast = rot_fast[] data_slow = rot_slow[] back_rotate_data_r = data_fast * cosd(fvd - baz) - data_slow * sind(fvd - baz) back_rotate_data_t = data_fast * sind(fvd - baz) + data_slow * cosd(fvd - baz) amp = back_rotate_data_r * enf + baz axr.plot(time_axis, amp, linewidth=0.2, color='black') axr.fill_between(time_axis, amp, bound + baz, where=amp > baz, facecolor='red', alpha=0.5) axr.fill_between(time_axis, amp, bound + baz, where=amp < baz, facecolor='blue', alpha=0.5) amp = back_rotate_data_t * enf + baz axt.plot(time_axis, amp, linewidth=0.2, color='black') axt.fill_between(time_axis, amp, bound + baz, where=amp > baz, facecolor='red', alpha=0.5) axt.fill_between(time_axis, amp, bound + baz, where=amp < baz, facecolor='blue', alpha=0.5) for ax in [axr, axt]: ax.grid(color='gray', linestyle='--', linewidth=0.4, axis='x') ax.set_xlim(-1, 10) ax.set_xticks(np.arange(0, 11, 1)) ax.set_ylim(-20, 370) ax.set_yticks(np.arange(0, 360+30, 30)) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(ml) ax.set_xlabel('Time after P(s)', fontsize=16) axr.set_ylabel(r'Back-azimuth ($^\circ$)', fontsize=16) axr.set_title('R component', fontsize=16) axt.set_title('T component', fontsize=16) if outpath is not None and isinstance(outpath, str): plt.savefig(join(outpath, 'rf_corrected.png'), dpi=400, bbox_inches='tight')
[docs] def search_peak_list(self, energy, opt='max'): """Search the peak of energy. Parameters ---------- energy : np.ndarray Energy matrix opt : str, optional Option for searching peak, by default 'max' """ if opt == 'max': ind = np.argwhere(energy == np.max(energy)) elif opt == 'min': ind = np.argwhere(energy == np.min(energy)) else: raise ValueError('\'opt\' must be max or min') return self.ani_points[ind][:, 0], self.ani_points[ind][:, 1]
[docs] def search_peak(self, energy, opt='max'): """Search the peak of energy. Parameters ---------- energy : np.ndarray Energy matrix opt : str, optional Option for searching peak, by default 'max' """ if opt == 'max': ind = np.argwhere(energy == np.max(energy)) # elif opt == 'min': # ind = np.argwhere(energy == np.min(energy)) else: raise ValueError('\'opt\' must be in max or min') cvalue = np.max(energy) - np.std(energy.reshape(energy.size)) cs = plt.contour(self.fvd, self.deltat, energy, [cvalue]) # Add for compatibility with matplotlib 3.10.0 # try: # cs_path = cs.get_paths()[0].vertices # except: # cs_path = cs.collections[0].get_paths()[0].vertices best_fvd = [] best_dt = [] for i, j in ind: best_fvd.append(self.fvd[i, j]) best_dt.append(self.deltat[i, j]) uniq_fd, uniq_td = _average_delay(np.array(best_fvd), np.array(best_dt)) return uniq_fd, uniq_td, cvalue
[docs] def joint_ani(self, weight=[0.5, 0.3, 0.2]): """Joint method for crustal anisotropy estimation. Parameters ---------- weight : list, optional Weight for three energy matrix, by default [0.5, 0.3, 0.2] """ self.energy_r = self.radial_energy_max() self.energy_cc, self.energy_tc = self.rotate_to_fast_slow() self.energy_joint = _joint_stack(self.energy_r, self.energy_cc, self.energy_tc, weight) self.best_velues = {} for i, energy in enumerate([self.energy_r, self.energy_cc, -self.energy_tc, self.energy_joint]): bf, bt, cvalue = self.search_peak(energy, opt='max') if i == 2: cvalue *= -1. self.best_velues[i] = { 'bestf': bf, 'bestt': bt, 'cvalue': cvalue } return bf, bt
[docs] def plot_polar(self, cmap=load_cyan_map(), show=False, outpath='./'): """Polar map of crustal anisotropy. See Liu and Niu (2012, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2011.05249.x) in detail. :param cmap: Colormap of matplotlib, defaults to 'rainbow' :type cmap: optional :param show: If show the polar map in the Matplotlib window, defaults to True :type show: bool, optional :param outpath: Output path to saving the figure. If show the figure in the Matplotlib window, this option will be invalid, defaults to current directory. :type outpath: str, optional """ fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(8, 7), subplot_kw={'projection': 'polar'}, constrained_layout=True) axs = [axes[0, 0], axes[0, 1], axes[1, 0], axes[1, 1]] energy_all = [self.energy_r, self.energy_cc, self.energy_tc, self.energy_joint] energy_title = ['R cosine energy', 'R cross-correlation', 'T energy', 'Joint'] for i, ax, energy, title in zip(range(4), axs, energy_all, energy_title): ax.set_theta_direction(-1) ax.set_theta_zero_location("N") if title == 'T energy': eng = ax.pcolor(np.radians(self.fvd), self.deltat, energy, cmap=cmap.reversed()) else: eng = ax.pcolor(np.radians(self.fvd), self.deltat, energy, cmap=cmap) ax.grid(True, color='lightgray', linewidth=0.5) # ax.contour(np.radians(self.fvd), self.deltat, energy, levels=[self.best_velues[i]['cvalue']]) ax.scatter(np.radians(self.best_velues[i]['bestf']), self.best_velues[i]['bestt'], color='white', marker='X', s=48) ax.set_xticks(np.radians(np.arange(0, 360, 30))) ax.set_yticks(np.arange(0, 1.5, 0.5)) title = r'{}\nFVD = ${:.0f}^\circ$, $\delta t$ = ${:.2f}$ s'.format(title, self.best_velues[i]['bestf'][0], self.best_velues[i]['bestt'][0]) ax.set_title(title) fig.colorbar(eng, ax=ax) fig.suptitle(self.sacdatar.staname, fontsize=16) # fig.suptitle('{}\nFVD = ${:.0f}^\circ$, $\delta t$ = ${:.1f}$ s'.format(self.sacdatar.staname,[0],[0]), fontsize=16) if show: else: fig.savefig(join(outpath, f'{self.sacdatar.staname}_joint_ani.png'), dpi=400, bbox_inches='tight')
if __name__ == "__main__": pass