Source code for seispy.psrayp

import os
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interpn
import subprocess
import argparse
import sys

[docs] class PsRayp(object): def __init__(self, dis, dep, laymin=0, laymax=800): self.dis = dis self.dep = dep self.layers = np.arange(laymin, laymax) self.real_layers = np.array([]) self.fake_layers = np.array([]) self.real_idx = np.array([]) self.fake_idx = np.array([]) self.rayp = np.zeros((len(dis), len(dep), len(self.layers)))
[docs] def make_phase_list(self): self.real_idx = np.where(self.layers >= 11)[0] self.fake_idx = np.where(self.layers < 11)[0] if self.real_idx.size == 0: raise ValueError('Max layer must greater than 8 km') self.real_layers = self.layers[self.real_idx] self.fake_layers = self.layers[self.fake_idx] with open('/tmp/tmp_phlst.txt', 'w+') as f: for lay in self.real_layers: f.write('P{}s\n'.format(lay))
[docs] def taup_rayp(self, this_dis=50, this_dep=10, taup='taup_time'): """ :param taup: Path to taup_time :return: """ if not os.path.exists('/tmp/tmp_phlst.txt'): raise FileNotFoundError('Please excute \'make_phase_list\' first') cmd = '{} -h {} -pf {} -deg {} --rayp'.format(taup, this_dep, '/tmp/tmp_phlst.txt', this_dis) s = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) # s.communicate(cmd.encode()) rayp = np.array( out_rayp = np.zeros([2, self.layers.shape[0]]) for lay in self.fake_idx: out_rayp[0, lay] = self.layers[lay] out_rayp[1, lay] = rayp[0] for lay in self.real_idx: out_rayp[0, lay] = self.layers[lay] out_rayp[1, lay] = rayp[lay-11] return out_rayp
[docs] def get_rayp(self): for i in range(self.dis.shape[0]): for j in range(self.dep.shape[0]): self.rayp[i, j, :] = self.taup_rayp(this_dis=self.dis[i], this_dep=self.dep[j])[1]
[docs] def save(self, path='Ps_rayp'): np.savez(path, dis=self.dis, dep=self.dep, layers=self.layers, rayp=self.rayp)
[docs] def gen_rayp_lib(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Gen a ray parameter lib for Pds phases") parser.add_argument('-d', help='Distance range in degree ', metavar='min_dis/max_dis/interval', required=True, dest='dis_str', type=str) parser.add_argument('-e', help='Event depth range in km', metavar='min_dep/max_dep/interval', required=True, dest='dep_str', type=str) parser.add_argument('-l', help='layers range as in km, defaults to 0/800', dest='lay_str', metavar='min_layer/man_layer', type=str, default='0/800') parser.add_argument('-o', help='Out path to Pds ray parameter lib', metavar='outpath', type=str, default='./Ps_rayp', dest='out_path') arg = parser.parse_args() if len(sys.argv) == 1: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) dis_lst = [float(dd) for dd in arg.dis_str.split('/')] dis = np.arange(dis_lst[0], dis_lst[1], dis_lst[2]) dep_lst = [float(dd) for dd in arg.dep_str.split('/')] dep = np.arange(dep_lst[0], dep_lst[1], dep_lst[2]) laymin = int(arg.lay_str.split('/')[0]) laymax = int(arg.lay_str.split('/')[1]) pr = PsRayp(dis, dep, laymin=laymin, laymax=laymax) pr.make_phase_list() pr.get_rayp()
[docs] def get_psrayp(rayp_lib, dis, dep, layers): # x_layers = np.zeros([len(layers), 3]) # for i in range(len(layers)): # x_layers[i] = np.array([dis, dep, layers[i]]) x_layers = np.array([[dis, dep, lay]for lay in layers]) return interpn((rayp_lib['dis'], rayp_lib['dep'], rayp_lib['layers']), rayp_lib['rayp'], x_layers, bounds_error=False, fill_value=None)
if __name__ == '__main__': layers = np.arange(11, 300) dep = np.arange(0, 600, 2) dis = np.arange(30, 90) rayp_path = '/Users/xumj/Researches/Ps_rayp.npz' rayp_lib = np.load(rayp_path) print(get_psrayp(rayp_lib, 50, 10, np.arange(0,100)))