import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
import numpy as np
from os.path import join
class PlotR:
def __init__(self, stadata, enf=12, xlim=[2, 80], key='bazi'):
"""Plot receiver function in R component
:param stadata: receiver function data
:type stadata: sespy.rfcorrect.RFStation
:param enf: enlarge factor, defaults to 12
:type enf: int, optional
:param xlim: xlim, defaults to [2, 80]
:type xlim: list, optional
:param key: sort key, defaults to 'bazi'
:type key: str, optional
self.stadata = stadata
self.enf = enf
self.xlim = xlim
self.key = key
def plot_waves(self):
"""Plot PRFs with R component
bound = np.zeros(self.stadata.rflength)
for i in range(self.stadata.ev_num):
datar = self.stadata.data_prime[i] * self.enf + (i + 1)
self.axr.fill_between(self.stadata.time_axis, datar, bound + i+1, where=datar > i+1, facecolor='red',
self.axr.fill_between(self.stadata.time_axis, datar, bound + i+1, where=datar < i+1, facecolor='blue',
# rfcorr, _ = stadata.moveoutcorrect( 0.1, np.arange(300), sphere=False)
# rfsum = np.mean(rfcorr, axis=0)
rfsum = np.mean(self.stadata.data_prime, axis=0)
self.axs.fill_between(self.stadata.time_axis, rfsum, 0, where=rfsum > 0, facecolor='red', alpha=0.7)
self.axs.fill_between(self.stadata.time_axis, rfsum, 0, where=rfsum < 0, facecolor='blue', alpha=0.7)
# axs.plot(stadata.time_axis, rfsum, color='gray', lw=0.5)
self.axb.scatter(self.stadata.bazi, np.arange(self.stadata.ev_num) + 1, s=7)
# axp = axb.twiny()
# axp.scatter(stadata.rayp, np.arange(stadata.ev_num) + 1, s=7)
# return axp
def set_fig(self):
"""Set figure
y_range = np.arange(self.stadata.ev_num) + 1
x_range = np.arange(0, self.xlim[1]+2, 5)
space = 2
# set axr
self.axr.set_xticklabels(x_range, fontsize=8)
self.axr.set_ylim(0, self.stadata.ev_num + space)
self.axr.set_yticklabels(self.stadata.event, fontsize=5)
self.axr.set_xlabel('Time after P (s)', fontsize=13)
self.axr.set_ylabel('Event', fontsize=13)
self.axr.add_line(Line2D([0, 0], self.axr.get_ylim(), color='black'))
# axr.set_title('R components ({})'.format(stadata.staname), fontsize=16)
# set axb
self.axb.set_xlim(0, 360)
self.axb.set_xticks(np.linspace(0, 360, 7))
self.axb.set_xticklabels(np.linspace(0, 360, 7, dtype='i'), fontsize=8)
self.axb.set_ylim(0, self.stadata.ev_num + space)
self.axb.set_yticklabels(y_range, fontsize=5)
self.axb.set_xlabel(r'Back-azimuth ($^\circ$)', fontsize=13)
# axp.set_xlabel('Ray-parameter (s/km)', fontsize=13)
self.axs.set_title('{} components ({})'.format(self.stadata.comp.upper(), self.stadata.staname), fontsize=16)
self.axs.tick_params(axis='y', left=False)
self.axs.set_yticklabels(['Sum'], fontsize=8)
self.axs.add_line(Line2D([0, 0], self.axs.get_ylim(), color='black'))
def plot(self, out_path=None, outformat='g', show=False):
""" Plot receiver function in R component
:param out_path: output path
:type out_path: str
:param outformat: output format
:type outformat: str
:param show: show figure
:type show: bool
if outformat is None and not show:
elif outformat == 'g':
self.fig.savefig(join(out_path, self.stadata.staname+'_{}_{}order_{:.1f}.png'.format(
self.stadata.comp, self.key, self.stadata.f0[0])),
dpi=400, bbox_inches='tight')
elif outformat == 'f':
self.fig.savefig(join(out_path, self.stadata.staname+'_{}_{}order_{:.1f}.pdf'.format(
self.stadata.comp, self.key, self.stadata.f0[0])),
format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
if show:
def plotr(rfsta, out_path='./', xlim=[-2, 80], key='bazi', enf=6, outformat='g', show=False):
""" Plot receiver function in R component
:param rfsta: Path to PRFs
:type rfsta: seispy.rfcorrect.RFStation
:param enf: The enlarge factor, defaults to 6
:type enf: int, optional
:param out_path: The output path, defaults to current directory
:type out_path: str, optional
:param key: The key to sort PRFs, available for ``event``, ``evla``, ``evlo``, ``evdp``,
``dis``, ``bazi``, ``rayp``, ``mag``, ``f0``, defaults to ``bazi``
:type key: str, optional
:param outformat: File format of the image file, g as \'png\', f as \'pdf\', defaults to 'g'
:type outformat: str, optional
:param xlim: xlim, defaults to [-2, 80]
:type xlim: list, optional
:param show: show figure
:type show: bool
:return: PlotR object
:rtype: PlotR
pr = PlotR(rfsta, enf=enf, xlim=xlim, key=key)
pr.plot(out_path=out_path, outformat=outformat, show=show)
return pr
if __name__ == '__main__':