Source code for seispy.get_cpt

Name:        get_cpt matplotlib colormap utility
Purpose:     an easy way to fetch .cpt colormap files, based on pycpt

Created:     2020.03
Copyright:   (c) Dimitrios Bouziotas (bouziot)
Licence:     GGNU General Public License v3 (GPL-3)
-You may freely copy, distribute and modify the software, in accordance with the provided license.
-You may not sublicense or hold the original author liable. This software comes with no warranty at all.
-Active contributions, forks and redevelopments are welcome.
-If you would like to include this software in your work, please reference it using the zenodo or github link. Please
also reference the original pycpt package (

__version__ = '0.1.0'
__copyright__ = """(c) 2020 Dimitrios Bouziotas"""
__license__ = "GGNU General Public License v3 (GPL-3)"

import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from urllib.request import urlopen

basedir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'cpt') # base path from where cpt files are fetched

[docs] def get_cmap(cpt_path, name=None, method='cdict', ret_cmap_type='LinearSegmented', N=None): """Get the cpt colormap as a LinearSegmented colormap. Utilizes the gmtColormap_openfile parser. Parameters ---------- cpt_path : str, with one of the following options: - the full dir path to a .cpt file - the filename of a .cpt file that is in the local repo (check get_cpt.basedir) - a url. name : str, optional colormap name if not provided, the name will be derived automatically using _getname() method: str, optional Choose between 'cdict' and 'list'. The first one fetches all info from the .cpt file. The latter allows you to control the number of colors to sample from. Check gmtColormap_openfile for more info. N: int, optional the number of colors in the colormap to be returned. Can define the granularity of the returned colormap. Only useful when method='list' """ # first get name if name is None: name = _getname(cpt_path) # case URL if 'http://' in cpt_path or 'https://' in cpt_path: with urlopen(cpt_path) as f: return gmtColormap_openfile(f, name=name, method=method, N=N, ret_cmap_type=ret_cmap_type) # case FULLPATH OR NAME else: with open(cpt_path) as f: return gmtColormap_openfile(f, name=name, method=method, N=N, ret_cmap_type=ret_cmap_type)
[docs] def get_listed_cmap(cpt_path, name=None, N=None): """Get the cpt colormap as a ListedColormap. Utilizes the gmtColormap_openfile parser. Parameters ---------- cpt_path : str, with one of the following options: - the full dir path to a .cpt file - the filename of a .cpt file that is in the local repo (check get_cpt.basedir) - a url name : str, optional colormap name if not provided, the name will be derived automatically using _getname() N: int, optional the number of colors in the colormap to be returned. Leave None to derive the colors from the .cpt file. If you use a number less than the colors included in that file, a subset of colors will be returned. """ # first get name if name is None: name = _getname(cpt_path) # case URL if 'http://' in cpt_path or 'https://' in cpt_path: with urlopen(cpt_path) as f: return gmtColormap_openfile(f, name=name, method='list', N=N, ret_cmap_type='Listed') # case FULLPATH OR NAME else: with open(cpt_path) as f: return gmtColormap_openfile(f, name=name, method='list', N=N, ret_cmap_type='Listed')
def _getname(cpt_path): """Internal function, fetches the name from a cpt filepath or url. Templates: 'my.mby.cpt' -> 'my_mby' # NAME r'D:\matplotlib colormaps - cpt-city\cpt\mby.cpt' -> 'mby' # FULLPATH '' -> 'haline' # URL """ if 'http://' in cpt_path or 'https://' in cpt_path: # CASE URL return '_'.join(cpt_path.split(r'/')[-1].split('.')[:-1]) else: if os.path.exists(cpt_path): return cpt_path else: raise FileNotFoundError("CPT file {} not found".format(cpt_path))
[docs] def gmtColormap_openfile(cptf, name=None, method='cdict', N=None, ret_cmap_type='LinearSegmented'): """Read a GMT color map from an OPEN cpt file Edited by: bouziot, 2020.03 Parameters ---------- cptf : str, open file or url handle path to .cpt file name : str, optional name for color map if not provided, the file name will be used method : str, suggests the method to use. If method = 'cdict', generates the LinearSegmentedColormap using a color dictionary (cdict), disregarding any value in N. If method = 'list', generates the LinearSegmentedColor using the .from_list() method, passing a list of (value, (r,g,b)) tuples obtained from the cpt file. This allows the selection of colormap resolution by the user, using the N parameter N : int, the number of colors in the colormap. Only useful when method='list'. ret_cmap_type: str, the type of matplotlib cmap object to be returned. Accepts either 'LinearSegmented', which returns a matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap, or 'Listed', which returns a ListedColormap In case 'Listed' is selected, the method argument from the user is ignored and method is set to 'list' ('Linear' doesn't work with 'cdict'). N is then passed to matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(). - If N is set to None: all colors of the cpt file will be returned as a list. - In case of a user-defined N, colors will be truncated or extended by repetition (see matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap). Returns ------- a matplotlib colormap object (matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap or matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap) Credits ------- This function originally appears in pycpt, extensive edits from bouziot, 2020.03 Original work in: LOG OF EDITS (2020.03): - Fixed bug when parsing non-split '#' lines in .cpt files - Fixed bug - not identifying the colorModel '#' line correctly - Fixed binary comparison performance (introduced in python 3) - Added functionality to return ListedColormaps and cmaps with custom colors (method, ret_cmap_type args) - Added global name handling externally (_getname() func) """ methodnames = ['cdict', 'list'] # accepted method arguments ret_cmap_types = ['LinearSegmented', 'Listed', 'raw'] # accepted return matplotlib colormap types # generate cmap name if name is None: name = _getname( # name = '_'.join(os.path.basename('.')[:-1]) # process file x = [] r = [] g = [] b = [] lastls = None for l in cptf.readlines(): ls = l.split() # skip empty lines if not ls: continue # parse header info # this leads to mistakes in some files... # if ls[0] in ["#", b"#"]: # '#' is not always separated from other letters in some cases... # if ls[-1] in ["HSV", b"HSV"]: # colorModel = "HSV" # else: # colorModel = "RGB" # continue # byte comparison is not feasible in python 3 if (isinstance(l, bytes) and l.decode('utf-8')[0] in ["#", b"#"]) or (isinstance(l, str) and l[0] in ["#", b"#"]): if ls[-1] in ["HSV", b"HSV"]: colorModel = "HSV" continue elif ls[-1] in ["RGB", b"RGB"]: colorModel = "RGB" continue else: # case rogue comment, ignore continue # skip BFN info if ls[0] in ["B", b"B", "F", b"F", "N", b"N"]: continue # parse color vectors x.append(float(ls[0])) r.append(float(ls[1])) g.append(float(ls[2])) b.append(float(ls[3])) # save last row lastls = ls # check if last endrow has the same color, if not, append if not ((float(lastls[5]) == r[-1]) and (float(lastls[6]) == g[-1]) and (float(lastls[7]) == b[-1])): x.append(float(lastls[4])) r.append(float(lastls[5])) g.append(float(lastls[6])) b.append(float(lastls[7])) x = np.array(x) r = np.array(r) g = np.array(g) b = np.array(b) if colorModel == "HSV": for i in range(r.shape[0]): # convert HSV to RGB rr,gg,bb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(r[i]/360., g[i], b[i]) r[i] = rr ; g[i] = gg ; b[i] = bb elif colorModel == "RGB": r /= 255. g /= 255. b /= 255. red = [] blue = [] green = [] xNorm = (x - x[0])/(x[-1] - x[0]) # return colormap if method == 'cdict' and ret_cmap_type == 'LinearSegmented': # generate cdict for i in range(len(x)): red.append([xNorm[i],r[i],r[i]]) green.append([xNorm[i],g[i],g[i]]) blue.append([xNorm[i],b[i],b[i]]) cdict = dict(red=red,green=green,blue=blue) #return cdict return mcolors.LinearSegmentedColormap(name=name,segmentdata=cdict) elif method == 'list' and ret_cmap_type == 'LinearSegmented': # generate list of values in the form of (value, c) outlist = [] for i in range(len(x)): tup = (xNorm[i], (r[i],g[i],b[i])) outlist.append(tup) if N and type(N) == int: #return outlist return mcolors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(name, outlist, N=N) else: raise TypeError("Using the method 'list' requires you to set a number of colors N.") elif ret_cmap_type == 'Listed': # generate list of values and return it as ListedColormap # returns both colors and the normalized positions (pos) where colors change, in the form of two outputs pos, colors pos_out = [] colors_out = [] for i in range(len(x)): pos_out.append(xNorm[i]) # list of positions colors_out.append(mcolors.to_hex( (r[i],g[i],b[i]))) # list of colors # return pos, color pairs print(colors_out) if N and type(N) == int and N<=len(colors_out): pos_out = pos_out[:N] #truncate positions to N return pos_out, mcolors.ListedColormap(colors_out, name=name, N=N) elif N is None: return pos_out, mcolors.ListedColormap(colors_out, name=name) else: raise TypeError("N has to be a number of colors that is less than the actual colors found in the .cpt file (" + str(len(colors_out)) + " colors found).") elif ret_cmap_type == 'raw': pos_out = [] colors_out = [] for i in range(len(x)): pos_out.append(xNorm[i]) # list of positions colors_out.append((r[i]*255, g[i]*255, b[i]*255)) return pos_out, colors_out else: raise TypeError("method has to be one of the arguments: " + str(methodnames) + " and ret_cmap_type has to be one of the arguments: " + str(ret_cmap_types))
[docs] def plot_cmaps(cmap_list, width=6, cmap_height=0.5, axes_off=False): """Plot a colormap or list of colormaps with their names. Parameters ------- cmap_list (str, cmap object or list of cmap objects anr strings): a list of colormaps to plot, either as cmap objects OR as preinstalled matplotlib colormap strings width (float): width of plot cmap_height (float): height of each colormap in plot axes_off (bool): boolean to erase axes Returns ------- a matplotlib figure object (matplotlib.figure.Figure) Credits ------- This function originally appears in pycpt, slight edits from bouziot, 2020.03 """ if not isinstance(cmap_list, list): cmap_list = [cmap_list] # make subscriptable gradient = np.linspace(0, 1, 256) gradient = np.vstack((gradient, gradient)) fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=len(cmap_list), figsize=(width,cmap_height*len(cmap_list))) fig.subplots_adjust(top=1, bottom=0, left=0, right=0.9) if len(cmap_list) == 1: cmap = cmap_list[0] # CASE ONE CMAP if isinstance(cmap, str): cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap) axes.imshow(gradient, aspect='auto', cmap=cmap) pos = list(axes.get_position().bounds) x_text = pos[0] + pos[2] + 0.02 y_text = pos[1] + pos[3]/2. fig.text(x_text, y_text,, va='center', ha='left', fontsize=12) if axes_off: axes.set_axis_off() return fig else: # CASE MULTIPLE CMAPS for i, cmap in enumerate(cmap_list): if isinstance(cmap, str): cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap) axes[i].imshow(gradient, aspect='auto', cmap=cmap) pos = list(axes[i].get_position().bounds) x_text = pos[0] + pos[2] + 0.02 y_text = pos[1] + pos[3]/2. fig.text(x_text, y_text,, va='center', ha='left', fontsize=12) # Turn off *all* ticks & spines, not just the ones with colormaps. if axes_off: for ax in axes: ax.set_axis_off() return fig
if __name__ == '__main__': #tests # test 1: FULL PATH, LinearSegmented, method cdict cpt_path = r'D:\Users\bouzidi\Desktop\matplotlib colormaps - cpt-city\cpt' cpt_fullpath = os.path.join(cpt_path, 'mby.cpt') a = get_cmap(cpt_fullpath) print(a) # test 2: LOCAL FILE, CHANGE BASEDIR basedir = r'D:\Users\bouzidi\Desktop\matplotlib colormaps - cpt-city\test\new_ctp' print(basedir) myctp2 = 'purple-orange-d15.cpt' pos, b = get_listed_cmap(myctp2) # test 3: url myurl = '' c = get_cmap(myurl) print(c) print( # test 4: plots fig = plot_cmaps([a,b,c])