Source code for seispy.geo

import numpy as np
from seispy import distaz
from pyproj import Geod
from seispy.utils import scalar_instance, array_instance

[docs] def sind(deg): """ Sine function with degree as input :param deg: Degree :type deg: float :return: Sine value :rtype: float """ rad = np.radians(deg) return np.sin(rad)
[docs] def cosd(deg): """ Cosine function with degree as input :param deg: Degree :type deg: float :return: Cosine value :rtype: float """ rad = np.radians(deg) return np.cos(rad)
[docs] def tand(deg): """ Tangent function with degree as input :param deg: Degree :type deg: float :return: Tangent value :rtype: float """ rad = np.radians(deg) return np.tan(rad)
[docs] def cotd(deg): """ Cotangent function with degree as input :param deg: Degree :type deg: float :return: Cotangent value :rtype: float """ rad = np.radians(deg) return np.cos(rad) / np.sin(rad)
[docs] def asind(x): """ Inverse sine function with degree as output :param x: Sine value :type x: float :return: Degree :rtype: float """ rad = np.arcsin(x) return np.degrees(rad)
[docs] def acosd(x): """ Inverse cosine function with degree as output :param x: Cosine value :type x: float :return: Degree :rtype: float """ rad = np.arccos(x) return np.degrees(rad)
[docs] def atand(x): """ Inverse tangent function with degree as output :param x: Tangent value :type x: float :return: Degree :rtype: float """ rad = np.arctan(x) return np.degrees(rad)
[docs] def km2deg(km): """ Convert km to degree :param km: Distance in km :type km: float :return: Distance in degree :rtype: float """ radius = 6371 circum = 2*np.pi*radius conv = circum / 360 deg = km / conv return deg
[docs] def deg2km(deg): """ Convert degree to km :param deg: Distance in degree :type deg: float :return: Distance in km :rtype: float """ radius = 6371 circum = 2*np.pi*radius conv = circum / 360 km = deg * conv return km
[docs] def rad2deg(rad): """ Convert radian to degree :param rad: Radian :type rad: float :return: Degree :rtype: float """ deg = rad*(360/(2*np.pi)) return deg
[docs] def skm2sdeg(skm): """ Convert s/km to s/degree :param skm: s/km :type skm: float :return: s/degree :rtype: float """ sdeg = skm * deg2km(1) return sdeg
[docs] def sdeg2skm(sdeg): """ Convert s/degree to s/km :param sdeg: s/degree :type sdeg: float :return: s/km :rtype: float """ skm = sdeg / deg2km(1) return skm
[docs] def srad2skm(srad): """ Convert s/rad to s/km :param srad: s/rad :type srad: float :return: s/km :rtype: float """ sdeg = srad * ((2*np.pi)/360) return sdeg / deg2km(1)
[docs] def skm2srad(skm): """ Convert s/km to s/rad :param skm: s/km :type skm: float :return: s/rad :rtype: float """ sdeg = skm * deg2km(1) return rad2deg(sdeg)
[docs] def rot3D(bazi, inc): """ Rotate components from ZRT to LQT .. code-block:: python M = [[cos(inc) -sin(inc)*sin(bazi) -sin(inc)*cos(bazi)], [sin(inc) cos(inc)*sin(bazi) cos(inc)*cos(bazi)], [0 -cos(bazi) sin(bazi)]] :param bazi: back-azimuth of station-event pair :param inc: Incidence angle :return: Coefficient matrix m :rtype: np.ndarray """ if scalar_instance(inc): value31 = 0 elif array_instance(inc): value31 = np.repeat(0, len(inc)) else: raise TypeError('Input args sould be in \'float\', \'int\', or \'numpy.ndarray\'') inc = inc / 180 * np.pi bazi = bazi / 180 * np.pi m = np.array([[np.cos(inc), -np.sin(inc)*np.sin(bazi), -np.sin(inc)*np.cos(bazi)], [np.sin(inc), np.cos(inc)*np.sin(bazi), np.cos(inc)*np.cos(bazi)], [value31, -np.cos(bazi), np.sin(bazi)]]) return m
[docs] def rotateSeisZENtoLQT(z, e, n, bazi, inc): """ Rotate ZEN to LQT :param z: Vertical component :type z: np.ndarray :param e: East component :type e: np.ndarray :param n: North component :type n: np.ndarray :param bazi: Back-azimuth :type bazi: float :param inc: Incidence angle :type inc: float :return: L, Q and T components :rtype: tuple """ m = rot3D(bazi, inc) zen = np.array([z, e, n]) lqt =, zen) return lqt[0, :], lqt[1, :], lqt[2, :]
[docs] def spherical2cartesian(lon, lat, dep): """ Convert spherical coordinates to cartesian coordinates :param lon: Longitude :type lon: float :param lat: Latitude :type lat: float :param dep: Depth :type dep: float :return: Cartesian coordinates :rtype: tuple """ cola = 90. - lat r = 6371 - dep x = r * sind(cola) * cosd(lon) y = r * sind(cola) * sind(lon) z = r * cosd(cola) return x, y, z
[docs] def rotateSeisENtoTR(e, n, baz): """ Rotate EN to TR :param e: East component :type e: np.ndarray :param n: North component :type n: np.ndarray :param baz: Back-azimuth :type baz: float :return: T and R components :rtype: tuple """ angle = np.mod(baz+180, 360) r = n*cosd(angle) + e*sind(angle) t = e*cosd(angle) - n*sind(angle) return t, r
[docs] def rssq(x): """ Root sum square :param x: Input array :type x: np.ndarray :return: Root sum square :rtype: float """ return np.sqrt(np.sum(x**2)/len(x))
[docs] def snr(x, y): """ Signal-to-noise ratio :param x: Signal :type x: np.ndarray :param y: Noise :type y: np.ndarray :return: SNR :rtype: float """ spow = rssq(x)**2 npow = rssq(y)**2 if npow == 0: npow = 0.001 return 10 * np.log10(spow / npow)
[docs] def latlon_from(lat0, lon0, azimuth, gcarc_dist, ellps="WGS84"): """ Determine position with given position of initial point, azimuth and distance Accepted numeric scalar or array: - :class:`int` - :class:`float` - :class:`numpy.floating` - :class:`numpy.integer` - :class:`list` - :class:`tuple` - :class:`array.array` - :class:`numpy.ndarray` - :class:`xarray.DataArray` - :class:`pandas.Series` :param lat0: Latitude of original point :type lat0: float or array :param lon0: Longitude of original point :type lon0: float or array :param azimuth: Azimuth(s) in degree :type azimuth: float or array :param gcarc_dist: Distance(s) between initial and terminus point(s) in degree :type gcarc_dist: float or array :param ellps: Ellipsoids supported by ``pyproj``, defaults to "WGS84" :type ellps: :class:`str`, optional Returns ------- scalar or array: Latitude(s) of terminus point(s) scalar or array: Longitude(s) of terminus point(s) """ def init_lalo(lat0, lon0, npts): if hasattr(lat0, "__iter__") and hasattr(lon0, "__iter__"): if len(lat0) != len(lon0): raise ValueError('lat0 and lon0 must be in the same length') elif len(lat0) != npts: raise ValueError('initial points must be in the same length as azimuths') else: lat1 = lat0 lon1 = lon0 elif scalar_instance(lat0) and scalar_instance(lon0): lat1 = np.ones(npts) * lat0 lon1 = np.ones(npts) * lon0 else: raise ValueError('lat0 and lon0 must be in the same length') return lat1, lon1 if hasattr(azimuth, "__iter__") and hasattr(gcarc_dist, "__iter__"): if len(azimuth) == len(gcarc_dist): npts = len(azimuth) lat0, lon0 = init_lalo(lat0, lon0, npts) else: raise ValueError('azimuth and gcarc_dist must be in the same length') elif scalar_instance(azimuth) and scalar_instance(gcarc_dist): if hasattr(lat0, "__iter__") and hasattr(lon0, "__iter__"): if len(lat0) != len(lon0): raise ValueError('lat0 and lon0 must be in the same length') else: azimuth = np.ones_like(lat0)*azimuth gcarc_dist = np.ones_like(lat0)*gcarc_dist elif scalar_instance(lat0) and scalar_instance(lon0): pass else: raise ValueError('lat0 and lon0 must be in the same length') elif scalar_instance(azimuth) and hasattr(gcarc_dist, "__iter__"): npts = len(gcarc_dist) azimuth = np.ones(npts)*azimuth lat0, lon0 = init_lalo(lat0, lon0, npts) elif scalar_instance(gcarc_dist) and hasattr(azimuth, "__iter__"): npts = len(azimuth) gcarc_dist = np.ones(lat0, lon0, npts)*gcarc_dist lat0, lon0 = init_lalo(lat0, lon0, npts) g = Geod(ellps=ellps) lon, lat, _ = g.fwd(lon0, lat0, azimuth, deg2km(gcarc_dist)*1000) return lat, lon
[docs] def geoproject(lat_p, lon_p, lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2): """ Project a point to a line :param lat_p: Latitude of the point :type lat_p: float :param lon_p: Longitude of the point :type lon_p: float :param lat1: Latitude of the first point of the line :type lat1: float :param lon1: Longitude of the first point of the line :type lon1: float :param lat2: Latitude of the second point of the line :type lat2: float :param lon2: Longitude of the second point of the line :type lon2: float :return: Latitude and longitude of the projected point :rtype: tuple """ azi = distaz(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2).baz dis_center = distaz(lat1, lon1, lat_p, lon_p).delta azi_center = distaz(lat1, lon1, lat_p, lon_p).baz dis_along = atand(tand(dis_center))*cosd(azi-azi_center) lat, lon = latlon_from(lat1, lon1, azi, dis_along) return lat, lon
[docs] def extrema(x, opt='max'): if opt == 'max': idx = np.intersect1d(np.where(np.diff(x) > 0)[0]+1, np.where(np.diff(x) < 0)[0]) elif opt == 'min': idx = np.intersect1d(np.where(np.diff(x) < 0)[0]+1, np.where(np.diff(x) > 0)[0]) else: raise ValueError('opt must be \'max\' or \'min\'') return idx
[docs] def geo2sph(dep, lat, lon): """Convert geographic coordinates to spherical coordinates. :param dep: Depth from surface :type dep: float or np.ndarray :param lat: Latitude :type lat: float or np.ndarray :param lon: Longitude :type lon: float or np.ndarray :return: spherical coordinate r, theta, phi :rtype: list """ theta = np.radians(90. - lat) phi = np.radians(lon) r = 6371 - dep return r, theta, phi
[docs] def sph2geo(r, theta, phi): """ Convert spherical coordinates to geographic coordinates. :param float r: radial distance from coordinate system origin {**Units**: km, **Range**: [0, inf)} :param float theta: polar angle {**Units**: radians, **Range**: [0, π]} :param float phi: azimuthal angle {**Units**: radians, **Range**: [-π, π]} :returns: geographic coordinate conversion *(lat, lon, depth)* of spherical coordinates :rtype: (float, float, float) """ z = 6371 - r lat = 90 - rad2deg(theta) lon = rad2deg(phi) return z, lat, lon