Source code for seispy.ccppara

import numpy as np
from os.path import expanduser, join, dirname, exists
import configparser
from seispy.geo import km2deg
from seispy.utils import scalar_instance
import warnings

[docs] class CCPPara(object): def __init__(self): self.rfpath = expanduser('~') self.rayp_lib = None self.depthdat = 'RFdepth.npy' self.stackfile = 'ccp.dat' self.stalist = 'sta.lst' self.peakfile = 'good_410_660.dat' self.adaptive= False self.velmod = '' self.stack_sta_list = '' self.domperiod = 5 self.shape = 'circle' self.slide_val = 5 self.width = 100 self.bin_radius = 50 self.line = np.array([]) self.depth_axis = np.array([]) self.stack_range = np.array([]) self.center_bin = [] self.dep_val = 1 self.stack_val = 1 self.boot_samples = None self.phase = 1 def __str__(self): head = ['{}: {}'.format(k, v) for k, v in self.__dict__.items()] return '\n'.join(head) @property def bin_radius(self): return self._bin_radius @bin_radius.setter def bin_radius(self, value): if not (scalar_instance(value) or value is None): raise TypeError('Error type of bin_radius') else: self._bin_radius = value @property def shape(self): return self._shape @shape.setter def shape(self, value): if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError('ccppara.shape must be str type') elif value.lower() not in ('circle', 'rect'): raise ValueError('ccppara.shape must be in \'circle\' or \'rect\'') else: self._shape = value.lower()
[docs] def ccppara(cfg_file): """ Read configure file for CCP stacking :param cfg_file: Path to configure file :type cfg_file: str :return: CCPPara object :rtype: CCPPara """ cpara = CCPPara() cf = configparser.ConfigParser() try: except Exception: raise FileNotFoundError('Cannot open configure file %s' % cfg_file) # para for FileIO section cpara.rfpath = cf.get('FileIO', 'rfpath') rayp_lib = cf.get('FileIO', 'rayp_lib') if rayp_lib == '': cpara.rayp_lib = None else: cpara.rayp_lib = rayp_lib cpara.depthdat = cf.get('FileIO', 'depthdat') cpara.stackfile = cf.get('FileIO', 'stackfile') cpara.stalist = cf.get('FileIO', 'stalist') cpara.stack_sta_list = cf.get('FileIO', 'stack_sta_list') if cf.has_option('FileIO', 'peakfile'): fname = cf.get('FileIO', 'peakfile') if fname != '': cpara.peakfile = fname velmod = cf.get('FileIO', 'velmod') if velmod == '': cpara.velmod = join(dirname(__file__), 'data', 'iasp91.vel') elif not exists(velmod): cpara.velmod = join(dirname(__file__), 'data', '{}.vel'.format(velmod.lower())) else: cpara.velmod = velmod # para for bin section cpara.shape = cf.get('bin', 'shape') try: cpara.adaptive = cf.getboolean('bin', 'adaptive') except: cpara.adaptive = False try: cpara.domperiod = cf.getfloat('bin', 'domperiod') except: cpara.domperiod = None try: cpara.width = cf.getfloat('bin', 'width') except: cpara.width = None try: cpara.bin_radius = cf.getfloat('bin', 'bin_radius') except: cpara.bin_radius = None try: cpara.slide_val = cf.getfloat('bin', 'slide_val') except: warnings.warn('slide_val not found. Setup it for CCP stacking') try: # para for line section lat1 = cf.getfloat('line', 'profile_lat1') lon1 = cf.getfloat('line', 'profile_lon1') lat2 = cf.getfloat('line', 'profile_lat2') lon2 = cf.getfloat('line', 'profile_lon2') cpara.line = np.array([lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2]) except: # warnings.warn('line section not found. Setup it for ccp_profile') pass try: # para for center bins cla = cf.getfloat('spacedbins', 'center_lat') clo = cf.getfloat('spacedbins', 'center_lon') hlla = cf.getfloat('spacedbins', 'half_len_lat') hllo = cf.getfloat('spacedbins', 'half_len_lon') cpara.center_bin = [cla, clo, hlla, hllo, km2deg(cpara.slide_val)] except: # warnings.warn('No such section of spaced bins. Setup them for ccp3d') pass if cpara.line.size == 0 and len(cpara.center_bin) == 0: raise ValueError('Please setup line or spacedbins section') # para for depth section dep_end = cf.getfloat('depth', 'dep_end') cpara.dep_val = cf.getfloat('depth', 'dep_val') try: cpara.phase = cf.getint('depth', 'phase') except: cpara.phase = 1 cpara.depth_axis = np.append(np.arange(0, dep_end, cpara.dep_val), dep_end) stack_start = cf.getfloat('stack', 'stack_start') stack_end = cf.getfloat('stack', 'stack_end') cpara.stack_val = cf.getfloat('stack', 'stack_val') cpara.stack_range = np.arange(stack_start, stack_end, cpara.stack_val) try: cpara.boot_samples = cf.getint('stack', 'boot_samples') except: cpara.boot_samples = None return cpara