Source code for seispy.ccp3d

import numpy as np
from seispy.geo import km2deg, extrema, skm2srad, rad2deg
from seispy import distaz
from seispy.core.depmodel import DepModel
from seispy.setuplog import SetupLog
from scikits.bootstrap import ci
from seispy.ccppara import ccppara, CCPPara
from seispy.signal import smooth
from seispy.utils import check_stack_val, read_rfdep
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import pyproj
import warnings
import sys

[docs] def gen_center_bin(center_lat, center_lon, len_lat, len_lon, val): """ Create spaced grid point with coordinates of the center point in the area in spherical coordinates. :param center_lat: Latitude of the center point. :type center_lat: float :param center_lon: Longitude of the center point. :type center_lon: float :param len_lat: Half length in degree along latitude axis. :type len_lat: float :param len_lon: Half length in degree along longitude axis. :type len_lon: float :param val: Interval in degree between adjacent grid point. :type val: float :return: Coordinates of Grid points. :rtype: 2-D ndarray of floats with shape (n, 2), where n is the number of grid points. """ ellps="WGS84" deg2km = 111.19 val_m = val*deg2km*1000 len_lat_m = len_lat*deg2km*1000 len_lon_m = len_lon*deg2km*1000 proj = pyproj.Proj(proj='aeqd', ellps=ellps, datum=ellps, lat_0=center_lat, lon_0=center_lon) dx = np.arange(-len_lon_m, len_lon_m + val_m, val_m) dy = np.arange(-len_lat_m, len_lat_m + val_m, val_m) bin_mat = np.zeros([dy.size, dx.size, 2]) bin_map = np.zeros([dy.size, dx.size]).astype(int) n = 0 bin_loca = [] for j, dyy in enumerate(dy): for i, dxx in enumerate(dx): glon, glat = proj(dxx, dyy, inverse=True) bin_loca.append([glat, glon]) bin_mat[j, i, 0] = glat bin_mat[j, i, 1] = glon bin_map[j, i] = n n += 1 return np.array(bin_loca), bin_mat, bin_map
[docs] def bin_shape(cpara): """Compute the radius of bins in degree. :param cpara: Parameters of CCP stacking. :type cpara: CCPPara :return: Radius of bins in degree. :rtype: 1-D ndarray of floats with shape (n, ), where n is the number of bins. """ if cpara.shape == 'rect': raise ValueError('The shape of bins must be set to \'circle\' in ccp3d mode.') if cpara.bin_radius is None: depmod = DepModel(cpara.stack_range) fzone = km2deg(np.sqrt(0.5*cpara.domperiod*depmod.vs*cpara.stack_range)) else: fzone = np.ones_like(cpara.stack_range) * km2deg(cpara.bin_radius) return fzone
[docs] def boot_bin_stack(data_bin, n_samples=3000): """Stack data with bootstrap method. :param data_bin: Data falling within a bin. :type data_bin: 1-D ndarray of floats :param n_samples: Number of bootstrap samples, defaults to 3000 :type n_samples: int, optional :return: Mean, confidence interval and number of data falling within a bin. :rtype: tuple of floats and int """ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") data_bin = data_bin[~np.isnan(data_bin)] count = data_bin.shape[0] if count > 1: if n_samples is not None: cci = ci(data_bin, n_samples=n_samples) else: cci = np.array([np.nan, np.nan]) mu = np.nanmean(data_bin) else: cci = np.array([np.nan, np.nan]) mu = np.nan return mu, cci, count
def _get_sta(rfdep): return np.array([[sta['stalat'], sta['stalon']] for sta in rfdep]) def _sta_val(stack_range, radius): dep_mod = DepModel(stack_range) x_s = np.cumsum(( / dep_mod.R) / np.sqrt((1. / (skm2srad(0.08) ** 2. * (dep_mod.R / dep_mod.vs) ** -2)) - 1)) dis = radius + rad2deg(x_s[-1]) + 0.5 return dis
[docs] class CCP3D(): """ Class for 3-D CCP stacking, Usually used to study mantle transition zone structure. :param cfg_file: Path to configure file. If not defined a instance of CCP3D.cpara will be initialed, defaults to None :type cfg_file: str, optional :param log: A logger instance. If not defined, seispy.sutuplog.logger will be initialed, defaults to None :type log: seispy.sutuplog.logger , optional """ def __init__(self, cfg_file=None, log=None): if log is None: self.logger = SetupLog() else: self.logger = log if cfg_file is None: self.cpara = CCPPara() elif isinstance(cfg_file, str): self.load_para(cfg_file) else: raise ValueError('cfg_file must be str format.') self.stack_data = [] self.good_410_660 = np.array([]) self.good_depth = np.array([]) self.bin_loca = None self.bin_mat = None self.bin_map = None
[docs] def load_para(self, cfg_file): """Load parameters from configure file. :param cfg_file: Path to configure file. :type cfg_file: str """ try: self.cpara = ccppara(cfg_file) except Exception as e: self.logger.CCPlog('Cannot open configure file {}'.format(cfg_file)) raise FileNotFoundError('{}'.format(e)) try: self.stack_mul = check_stack_val(self.cpara.stack_val, self.cpara.dep_val) except Exception as e: self.logger.CCPlog.error('{}'.format(e)) raise ValueError('{}'.format(e))
[docs] def read_rfdep(self): """Read RFdepth data from npz file. """'Loading RFdepth data from {}'.format(self.cpara.depthdat)) try: self.rfdep = read_rfdep(self.cpara.depthdat) except FileNotFoundError as e: self.logger.CCPlog.error('{}'.format(e)) raise FileNotFoundError('Cannot open file of {}'.format(self.cpara.depthdat))
[docs] def initial_grid(self): """Initial grid points and search stations within a distance. """ self.read_rfdep() self.bin_loca, self.bin_mat, self.bin_map = gen_center_bin(*self.cpara.center_bin) self.fzone = bin_shape(self.cpara) self.stalst = _get_sta(self.rfdep) self.dismin = _sta_val(self.cpara.stack_range, self.fzone[-1])
def _select_sta(self, bin_lat, bin_lon): return np.where(distaz(bin_lat, bin_lon, self.stalst[:, 0], self.stalst[:, 1]).delta <= self.dismin)[0]
[docs] def stack(self): """Search conversion points falling within a bin and stack them with bootstrap method. """ for i, bin_info in enumerate(self.bin_loca): boot_stack = {} bin_mu = np.zeros(self.cpara.stack_range.size) bin_ci = np.zeros([self.cpara.stack_range.size, 2]) bin_count = np.zeros(self.cpara.stack_range.size)'{}/{} bin at lat: {:.3f} lon: {:.3f}'.format(i + 1, self.bin_loca.shape[0], bin_info[0], bin_info[1])) idxs = self._select_sta(bin_info[0], bin_info[1]) for j, dep in enumerate(self.cpara.stack_range): idx = int(j * self.stack_mul + self.cpara.stack_range[0]/self.cpara.dep_val) bin_dep_amp = np.array([]) for k in idxs: stop_idx = np.where(self.rfdep[k]['stopindex'] >= idx)[0] fall_idx = np.where(distaz(self.rfdep[k]['piercelat'][stop_idx, idx], self.rfdep[k]['piercelon'][stop_idx, idx], bin_info[0], bin_info[1]).delta < self.fzone[j])[0] bin_dep_amp = np.append(bin_dep_amp, self.rfdep[k]['moveout_correct'][stop_idx[fall_idx], idx]) bin_mu[j], bin_ci[j], bin_count[j] = boot_bin_stack(bin_dep_amp, n_samples=self.cpara.boot_samples) boot_stack['bin_lat'] = bin_info[0] boot_stack['bin_lon'] = bin_info[1] boot_stack['mu'] = bin_mu boot_stack['ci'] = bin_ci boot_stack['count'] = bin_count self.stack_data.append(boot_stack)
[docs] def save_stack_data(self, fname): """Save stacked data and parameters to local as a npz file. To load the file, please use data = np.load(fname, allow_pickle=True). data['cpara'] is the parameters when CCP stacking. data['stack_data'] is the result of stacked data. :param fname: file name of stacked data :type fname: str """ if not isinstance(fname, str): self.logger.CCPlog.error('fname should be in \'str\'') raise ValueError('fname should be in \'str\'') np.savez(fname, cpara=self.cpara, stack_data=self.stack_data)
def _search_peak(self, tr, peak_410_min=380, peak_410_max=440, peak_660_min=630, peak_660_max=690): tr = smooth(tr, half_len=4) idx_all = extrema(tr) idx_ex = np.where(tr[idx_all] > 0)[0] #idx = idx_all[idx_ex] peak = tr[idx_all[idx_ex]] peak_depth = idx_all[idx_ex] * self.cpara.stack_val + self.cpara.stack_range[0] idx_410 = np.where((peak_depth>peak_410_min) & (peak_depth<peak_410_max))[0] try: idx_410_max = idx_410[np.nanargmax(peak[idx_410])] dep_410 = peak_depth[idx_410_max] except: dep_410 = np.nan idx_660 = np.where((peak_depth>peak_660_min) & (peak_depth<peak_660_max))[0] try: idx_660_max = idx_660[np.nanargmax(peak[idx_660])] dep_660 = peak_depth[idx_660_max] except: dep_660 = np.nan return dep_410, dep_660
[docs] def search_good_410_660(self, peak_410_min=380, peak_410_max=440, peak_660_min=630, peak_660_max=690): """Search good 410 and 660 km discontinuities from stacked data. :param peak_410_min: Minimum depth of 410 km discontinuity, defaults to 380 :type peak_410_min: float, optional :param peak_410_max: Maximum depth of 410 km discontinuity, defaults to 440 :type peak_410_max: float, optional :param peak_660_min: Minimum depth of 660 km discontinuity, defaults to 630 :type peak_660_min: float, optional :param peak_660_max: Maximum depth of 660 km discontinuity, defaults to 690 :type peak_660_max: float, optional """ self.good_410_660 = np.zeros_like(self.bin_loca) for i, boot_stack in enumerate(self.stack_data): self.good_410_660[i, 0], self.good_410_660[i, 1] = self._search_peak(boot_stack['mu'], peak_410_min, peak_410_max, peak_660_min, peak_660_max)
[docs] def save_good_410_660(self, fname): """Save good 410 and 660 km discontinuities to local. :param fname: file name of good 410 and 660 km discontinuities :type fname: str """ with open(fname, 'w') as f: for i, good_peak in enumerate(self.good_410_660): if np.isnan(good_peak[0]): ci_410 = np.array([np.nan, np.nan]) count_410 = np.nan else: idx = int((good_peak[0]-self.cpara.stack_range[0]) / self.cpara.stack_val) ci_410 = self.stack_data[i]['ci'][idx] count_410 = self.stack_data[i]['count'][idx] if np.isnan(good_peak[1]): ci_660 = np.array([np.nan, np.nan]) count_660 = np.nan else: idx = int((good_peak[1]-self.cpara.stack_range[0]) / self.cpara.stack_val) ci_660 = self.stack_data[i]['ci'][idx] count_660 = self.stack_data[i]['count'][idx] f.write('{:.3f} {:.3f} {:.0f} {:.4f} {:.4f} {:.0f} {:.0f} {:.4f} {:.4f} {:.0f}\n'.format( self.bin_loca[i, 0], self.bin_loca[i, 1], good_peak[0], ci_410[0], ci_410[1], count_410, good_peak[1], ci_660[0], ci_660[1], count_660))
[docs] @classmethod def read_stack_data(cls, stack_data_path, cfg_file=None, good_depth_path=None, ismtz=False): """Read stacked data from local. :param stack_data_path: Path to stacked data. :type stack_data_path: str :param cfg_file: Path to configure file, defaults to None :type cfg_file: str, optional :param good_depth_path: Path to good depth file, defaults to None :type good_depth_path: str, optional :param ismtz: Whether the good depth file is in mtz format, defaults to False :type ismtz: bool, optional :return: A instance of CCP3D. :rtype: CCP3D """ ccp = cls(cfg_file) data = np.load(stack_data_path, allow_pickle=True) ccp.stack_data = data['stack_data'] ccp.cpara = data['cpara'].any() ccp.bin_loca, ccp.bin_mat, ccp.bin_map = gen_center_bin(*ccp.cpara.center_bin) if good_depth_path is not None: if ismtz: ccp.good_410_660[:, 0] = np.loadtxt(good_depth_path, usecols=[2]) ccp.good_410_660[:, 0] = np.loadtxt(good_depth_path, usecols=[6]) else: ccp.good_depth = np.loadtxt(good_depth_path, usecols=[2]) return ccp
[docs] def get_depth_err(self, type='std'): moho_err = np.zeros([self.bin_loca.shape[0], 2])'Computing errors of selected depth') if self.good_depth.size == 0: self.logger.CCPlog.error('Please load good depths before.') sys.exit(1) if np.isnan(self.stack_data['ci']).all() and type == 'ci': self.logger.CCPlog.warning('No confidence intervals in stack data, using standard division instead.') type = 'std' for i, _ in enumerate(self.bin_loca): if np.isnan(self.good_depth[i]): moho_err[i, 0], moho_err[i, 1] = np.nan, np.nan else: idx = np.nanargmin(np.abs(self.cpara.stack_range-self.good_depth[i])) mu = self.stack_data[i]['mu'] min_idxes = extrema(mu, opt='min') try: low_idx = min_idxes[np.max(np.where((min_idxes - idx) < 0)[0])] up_idx = min_idxes[np.min(np.where((min_idxes - idx) > 0)[0])] except: moho_err[i, 0], moho_err[i, 1] = np.nan, np.nan continue if type == 'std': cvalue = mu[idx] - 1.645 * np.std(mu[low_idx:up_idx+1])/np.sqrt(up_idx-low_idx+1) elif type == 'ci': cvalue = self.stack_data[i]['ci'][idx, 0] else: self.logger.error('Reference type should be in \'std\' and \'ci\'') sys.exit(1) moho_err[i, 0], moho_err[i, 1] = self._get_err(mu[low_idx:up_idx+1], self.cpara.stack_range[low_idx:up_idx+1], cvalue) return moho_err
def _get_err(self, tr, dep, cvalue): result = np.array([]) for i, amp in enumerate(tr[:-1]): if (amp <= cvalue < tr[i+1]) or (amp > cvalue >= tr[i+1]): result = np.append(result, interp1d([amp, tr[i+1]], [dep[i], dep[i+1]])(cvalue)) if len(result) == 2: return result[0], result[1] else: return np.nan, np.nan
if __name__ == '__main__': bin_loca = gen_center_bin(48.5, 100, 5, 8, km2deg(55)) with open('/workspace/WMHG_MTZ/ccp_results/bin_loca.dat', 'w') as f: for binin in bin_loca: f.write('{} {}\n'.format(binin[1], binin[0]))