Calculate S wave Receiver Functions (SRF) for single station --------------------------------------------------------------- Version after 1.2.13 has involved functions for SRF calculation. The workflow is similar to PRF calculation. Materials ========== Users should prepare following materials. - SAC files of teleseismic events including S wave. Refer to :doc:`../notes/rf_cfg`. - A configure file with the same content with that of PRF. Refer to :doc:`./rf-sta`. Run in command line =================== Similar to the workflow for PRFs, we have provided a command ``srf`` for quickly calculating SRFs. :: usage: srf [-h] [-l] [-r N|E|NE] [-s] [-b [BAZ]] [-w] [-p] [-i] cfg_file Calculating RFs for single station positional arguments: cfg_file Path to RF configure file optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -l use local catalog, defaults to false -r N|E|NE Reverse components: N, E or NE -s Switch the East and North components -b [BAZ] Correct back-azimuth. If "baz" is specified, the corr_baz = raw_baz + baz. If there is no argument, the back-azimuth will be corrected with minimal energy of T component. The searching range is raw_baz +/- 90 -w Write project to localfile -p Wether or not manually pick arrival time and waveforms arround S phase with a GUI. -i Wether grid search incidence angle .. note:: Both ``TRZ`` and ``LQT`` are available for SRF calculation. the Z or L component of RF is deconvolved by R or Q component. GUI for visual checking S wave ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Compared with ``prf``, ``srf`` has a new option of ``-p`` for visual checking seismic waveforms and picking S phase arrival with a GUI: .. figure:: ../_static/srfui.png :align: center GUI for checking SRFs. Black lines denote manually picked arrival time. Red lines denote theoretical arrival time. - This GUI is open after arrival time calculation and rotation. The seismic waveforms in 3 components are cut around theoretical S wave arrival time (the red line). A pre-picking is preformed with a STA/LTA method in T component (the black line). - If the current event has a low quality, users can mark the event to "poor" via button ``mark to poor`` or hotkey ``d``. - Directly click is used to manually pick S arrival time. The pre-picking line will move to where you click on. Save checked events to a local file ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Specified ``-w`` allow users to save events, parameters and picked S arrival time into a local ``pkl`` file. For re-calculation please load the file in Python script with: .. code:: Python from seispy.rf import RF rf = RF.loadpjt('path/to/xxx.pkl') rf.detrend() rf.filter() rf.rotate() rf.trim() rf.deconv() rf.saverf() Visual checking SRFs ======================== After calculation, the same step of visual checking as ``prf`` can be preformed via ``pickrf`` command. See :doc:`../usage/pickrf` in detail. .. note:: In this scheme, files of ``*_L.sac`` in ``rfpath`` will be searched in prior, when ``comp = LQT`` is set in configure file. If ``comp = TRZ``, files of ``*_Z.sac`` will be searched.