# Visual check PRFs with an user interface ## Open the user interface Following previous steps, PRFs have been calculated and save to SAC files in a folder named as the station name. ``` net.sta ├── 2018. ├── 2018. ├── 2018. ├── 2018. │...... ``` For example, PRFs were saved in folder `net.sta`. the file name of the PRF must be in `%Y.%j.%H.%M.%S_P_[RT].sac`. Now input following command to open the UI to browse the PRFs and reject poor PRFs. ``` $ pickrf /path/to/net.sta ``` The window will open as following image. Each page will display 20 PRFs. You can press `z` and `c` hotkey or click `previous` and `next` button for turning pages. ![](/_static/pickrf.png) ## Operations Directly click PRFs on the interface to set up them to 'poor' PRFs. The PRFs will turn gray when you click a PRF. If you click again, it will restored to a 'good' PRF. ![](/_static/click.png) When you have selected all PRFs, please click `finish` button to delete all 'poor' PRFs. Then a list file named as `net.stafinallist.dat` will be generated automatically in the folder, which include following columns - Event name: the event name with format as `%Y.%j.%H.%M.%S`. - Phase: the phase name (same as that in file name). - Event latitude - Event longitude - Event depth - Epicenter distance in degree - Back-azimuth - Ray-parameters in s/km - Magnitude - Gaussian factor ```{note} This list file is **very important** for derived method such as H-k stacking and CCP stacking. ``` ## Other functions ### enlarge and reduce visual amplitudes of the waveforms Buttons of `Amp enlarge` and `Amp reduce` are available to control the visual amplitudes. ### Preview all PRFs the `space` hotkey and `preview` button provide a function to plot all 'good' PRFs. Use `ctrl+s` on Linux/Windows and `cmd+s` on MacOS to save this figure as a PDF file. ## Keymap | Key | Function | | ------ | ------ | | z | Page up | | c | Page down | | space | Preview all good PRFs | |ctrl+s or cmd+s | Save preview | ## Re-calculation of RFs As a final-list saved into RF output path, events information of RFs can be invoked for re-calculation if we need to change some parameters, such as gauss factor, bandwidth of filter or deconvolution method. After version 1.2.14, the `prf` command introduce a new option of `-f` for re-calculation using events in the final-list.