# Visually pick depth of the discontinuities after CCP stacking
Before open an user interface, the file (`*.npz`) after CCP Stacking must be calculated, such as `stack_data_3D.npz`
`pickdepth` command will pick the depths of the Moho, 410km and 660km discontinuities from the CCP Stacking files.
usage: pickdepth [-h] [-d dep_min/dep_max] [-i index] [-s smooth] stack_data_path
User interface for picking PRFs
positional arguments:
stack_data_path Path to CCP stacked data
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d dep_min/dep_max Depth range contain target interface
-i index Specify starting index of bins
-s smooth Smoothing scale in km
- `-i` Starting the picking from the specified bin.
- `-d` Depth range contain target interface, Such as 25/35, 370/450, 620/700 for Moho(30km), 410km and 660km discontinuities, respectively.
- `-s` Smoothing scale in km, such as `-s 5` for Mantle Transition Zone
## Open the user interface
pickdepth -d370/450 -s 5 stack_data_3D.npz
The window will open as following image. Users can press z and c hotkey or click `back` and `next` button for loading data in previous and next bins, respectively.
```{figure} ../_static/pickdepth/pickdepth1.png
:alt: Main UI without any picks
:figwidth: 70%
Main UI for picking depth of d410
It shows the RF in the stacking Bin of NO. 577 at latitude: 49.14 and longitude: 102.48.
- Bottom Middle Panel: The blue line is the mean stacked RF. The intervals between two dashed lines are the corresponding 95% confidence intervals after bootstapping.
***Green Line*** show the picked depth at this bin. Orange line show another possible depth.
- Upper Panel shows RFs in the stacking bins along the Longitude.
- Bottom Left Panel show RFs in the stacking bins along the Latitude.
- Bottom Right Panel show number of RFs in the stacking bin at each depth.
## Operations
- Directly click the line on the interface to set the depth and it will become green. Logs Panel shows the depths you picked.
```{figure} ../_static/pickdepth/pickdepth2b.png
:alt: Main UI without any picks
:figwidth: 70%
Main UI with picked depth (green line)
- Input the Bin Number and click `Load` in the Bin Location Panel
- Click the right mouse botton in the middel panel to set the depth as NAN if the data is bad and you need delete it.
```{figure} ../_static/pickdepth/pickdepth4b.png
:alt: Main UI without any picks
:figwidth: 70%
Main UI without any picks
- `Save` or ctrl+s to save the picked depths in a text file, which include following columns:
:::{table} Content of picked depths in the text file
:widths: auto
| key | Description |
| --- | --- |
| Latitude | Latitude of each bin |
| Longitude | Longitude of each bin |
| Depth | Depth of the target discontinuity at each bin |
| Low CI | Lower bound of confidence interval |
| Upper CI | Upper bound of confidence interval |
| Number | Number of RFs stacked at each bin |